[DOF] Advice on Life

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[DOF] Advice on Life

Hello everyone, PinkPolka9182.. here.

Today I have some quotes for you about everyday lessons on life. You can take it as advice if you wish! Let's get right into the article.

You have the opportunity to make a difference in the world and in yourself. Make the day meaningful.

Waking up Every morning you are given another chance to think about your purpose in life. Before you get out of bed, take a moment to realize that you have been given the gift of a brand new day. How can you make it meaningful?

Most things are not as bad as you think they are.

Washing the dishes. Did you know it takes only one minute to wash a pan, two knives, one fork, a cutting board and a bowl? See for yourself. Time it. Instead of turning your back on that stack of dirty dishes in the sink, invest a minute and wash them. You’ll feel so much better if you do. Don’t make things worse than they really are.

Be considerate of others.

Arriving on time. You start out on schedule but soon things get in the way. The dog pukes, you can’t find your cell phone, and the baby needs a diaper change and before you realize it, you’re twenty minutes late. People are waiting for you either at a meeting, a restaurant, or at the airport. As they wait, the negative comments about your tardiness start. Is that how you want others to view you? Set aside extra time for things to go wrong because it is most likely they will.

Dress for success.

Getting dressed. Every morning you have a small portion of time set aside to pick out how you want to present yourself for the rest of the day. This simple (or sometimes not so simple) task has a lot riding on it. As much as we don’t want to believe it, it’s true. People are judged by the way they look. It’s that first impression when you walk in the room that says, “Here I am.” Your clothes are your opportunity to make your personal statement. How do you want to present yourself to the world?

Judge others favorably. You never know what battle they are fighting.

Driving, riding the train, or taking the bus. These are the times that someone will surely upset you. People will bump into you, cut you off, take the seat you were going to sit it, and not hold the door open for you. Transportation usually brings out the worst in people. This is your opportunity to not get bothered by other people’s bad manners. You are the one who will suffer. Your day will be ruined because they didn’t even notice they bumped into you, cut you off, or took the seat you were going to sit in.

Respect other people’s opinions even when they differ from your own.

Conflict. It’s rare that two people will agree on most topics. Conflict is everywhere. It happens at work, home, with family and friends. Disagreeing isn’t the problem (although most people think it is). The problem is in not giving value to the opinions of others.

Love your body. Take good care of it.

Exercise. Going to the gym, yoga or spin class is a statement saying that you love yourself. You are saying, I care about my body and my health and I want to take the best care of myself that I possibly can.

Each day is filled with endless opportunities to show people how much you care, appreciate, and value them.

Show people you love them Everyone knows how to tell someone “I love you” but do your actions match your words? Are you showing someone how much they are loved? The day is filled with many opportunities to cook someone you love their favorite meal, go out of your way to help someone in need, or simply being by the side of a crying friend.

Speech is a powerful tool.

Your words. Watch your words carefully. They can be daggers or cheerleaders. You can crush the spirit of someone or make them feel like they can conquer the world. Taste your words before you spit them out. Words are your thoughts coming to life. It’s your choice. Do you want to show that your are nice or nasty?

Touch someone’s soul with your kindness.

Random acts of kindness. It’s the little things in life that matter most. Hold a door, smile at people, buy someone a gift, and don’t forget to call your mother. Kindness touches the soul of another person. Everyone has a battle they are fighting. Your simple act of kindness soothes someone else’s pain. You have reached the highest level of your spiritual self.

Advice on love.


goodtips :) dont let life

goodtips :) dont let life battle you show life how strong you are even on little things 

Thank you!

This is a well devised presentation, and I just wanted to say, kudos!



i love bobba

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