pls stop with the counting down stuff if youre not OOA/OWN/gov?

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pls stop with the counting down stuff if youre not OOA/OWN/gov?

y do u do it?


HM can only call Attention to someone if they are AFK, Gov can do both Call Attention and Countdown. Countdown is required for Gov if they will make a report about afk in work station and send it to Moderation Forum (Gov+ access) or request to slurpee. Countdown is required before requesting a slurpee, Counting Down means giving 5 seconds to someone who afk to respond. After 5 seconds without response you can request a slurpee, about making a report about someone who afk and claim reward you need to provide a screenshot of calling him/her attention and given 5 seconds to respond and then you can send it to Moderation Forum where you can request a deductions equivalent to 1 arrow. You can request other type of deductions: by percentage (%), Mute, Ban etc. depends on violations.

yes, but why would one want

yes, but why would one want to count down and report someone? is it for some kind of pleasure? enjoying others misfortune maybe? we should have the back of our fellow human beings and not engage in antisocial behaviour like ratting them out. the rules are just words on a screen. we are not machines running coded scripts, unable to think outside the box (well, maybe we are??). the rules are for the rulers. not us. we should NOT NEVER EVER enforce the rules. why would we???? we're all in the same boat. humans are more important than the machine. when we work for the machine, we lose our humanity. from now, when we see a lovely fellow coworker sleeping we will look elsewhere and if the owners ask, WE DIDNT SEE ANYTHING!! THEY SLEPT?? DIDNT KNOW!!!!


If you were the owner of an agency, will you allow them to afk in work stations and pay them while they're sleeping and doing nothing? In our agency, we give all freedom to all members, we just want them to be active while on work stations. What would you feel if you entered an agency where all workers are sleeping in work stations? Some peoples might want to work there because they can get instant credits without doing something, they get a lot credits from you because you are the owner of agency and you pay them but what did you get from them? It should be worth it to pay peoples if they work hard and they give you and your agency a good ratings from workers, lots of members joined, respect/reputations and making the agency alive where peoples would have interest to work there. It's unfair to others if some are sleeping and claiming reward while others are active working hard and making the agency alive.


Rules are rules. What kind of sentence is 'when we see a fellow coworker sleeping we will look elsewhere and if the owners ask, WE DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING!! THEY SLEPT?? DIDNT KNOW!!!!'? This is not portraying the right and proper attitude to have when working. United Nations does not have many rules and NOT idling and afking at a workstation is one of the few that we do have. So it would be appreciated if you actually follow that rule, it sounds extremely biased when you say that you will look somewhere else when a coworker is idling. The majority of the workers in UN will actually help to countdown if they see someone idling, because if there is no GOV/OOA/OWN, they are able to do so. And then they can screenshot it and send the evidence to an actual OOA/OWN, or they can help to countdown and then the OWN with room rights will slurpee. Agreed with Darren, it is extremely unfair to others who are actually paying attention and working hard. This is why even if you're not idling, you can still be slurpeed and counted down if you are not paying attention, for example at Security or at FTF when there is an agent/someone wanting to be recruited. This is what ATT and countdown is for. We do not enjoy this misfortune of others, it is a responsibility for members to be actually attentive and working at workstations. Rules are rules. 'The rules are just words on a screen', this can be literally applied to every other single rule in the world? Just because they're on a piece of paper doesn't mean they're just words on that paper. Those words carry meaning and have reason behind them.

@XDChillax - but i am not the

@XDChillax - but i am not the owner of an agency and neither are you. we are 'just' workers doing the workers job. that is the point :')

the individual is more important than the Idea. without us individuals the Machine wouldnt function. the Machine needs to run on something. when you walk outside in the woods, the things you notice are all the big trees and blossoming bushes but what would they be without all this invisible co2?

if you feel small, know that you will grow big when you connect to nature and mankind and disconnect yourself from the Machine. it would be a mighty big shame to side with the monster - this monster that would kiss your mother and steal your girlfriend whenever the opportunity arose - because its just oh so big and strong. it is better, for yourself and for others, to fight it to the end of days

maybe those who are OK with treating a dog like a dog are also OK with being treated like dogs themselves, by the authority :]

@.Tiing.  What does "rules are rules" really mean? rules are not set in stone. rules are agreed upon in a sensible community. rules are to be discussed and rewritten and changed if needed

the majority of the workers do wrong then. i will not follow that rule

words like 'freedom', 'individuality', 'unity' have meaning. theyre ideas that paint a beautiful picture in your mind. rules dont. they are words on a screen. ever so lacking in substance. ever so life denying. yeah, i take a stance against them

"But I'm not the owner of an

"But I'm not the owner of an agency" I know, but if you become an owner of an agency would you pay workers without doing anything and just sleeping on work? "We are just workers doing the worker's job" Do you think that was a worker's job? To sleep in a workstations and then claim an arrow to earn paypoints and rankpoints, claim pay and rank up while they're sleeping? Rules are made to balance the game and to maintain Fair Play Policy in a game, even in our real life there's always a rule. Rules are not just for one person, it is implemented on a whole community to balance everything within it. Do you want to be unfair to others just to get what you want? Do you think it's not selfishness? If you were punished by doing a violation or AFKing while working, don't take it serious. It's just a game and we're just a player/member, we just need to follow the rules and everything is alright. Virtual Games are made to relate in real life, you make your own path in life. 

whether i will become the

whether i will become the owner of an agency or not is irrelevant. i *am* not the owner of an agency

it is a workers job to do their job, which is filling a station

rules are made to control large groups of people. sorry but rules are for the average people in the masses who are fine with being average and controlled and told what to do and how to think, like dogs. pet owners are like the pets they 'own' (yeah, apparently they own another being). and there are a lot of pet owners. but we are not all like that. the rules dont apply to me because im an INDIVIDUAL and rules are for groups of people. am i a group of people? no, i am i. i decide whats right or wrong

no, i am not selfish. this is not about me. you cannot know whether someone is going afk because they dont care and just want quick credits, or if it was accidental. they are innocent until proven guilty. if not then this is a totalitarian regime

the 'its just a game' argument could also be used to say "break all the rules and go afk if you want to. its just a game, right?" whos really the one taking it seriously? the afk'er or the "punisher"? and pls dont use words like punish. that worries me greatly

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