things are not what they seem to be

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things are not what they seem to be

whats right is decided by the Law. did u think the Law exists to help protect us? think again. its purpose is to CONTROL us. u are not even allowed to put whatever u want in ur body. think about it. if u dont decide over ur body, then ur not the owner of that body. it belongs to the State. cant u see? the USA'ian space project is all about politics. politics is all lies and deceit. dont we already know this? where do u think all that money goes to? lmfao. everything the media tells us is mind control, to have us spend our money. did u think Medias purpose was to enlighten us?? the State and its Government dont care about u. it wants u dead. what good are u alive? just a waste of money and resources. or, they want u to be a good citizen. a good citizen is a fairly stupid person with just enough intellect to do his job properly without complaining and paying taxes and dying silently and peacefully. do u still think the earth is a lonely globe in space? i dont think so. i think our real God is an albatross. every day we worship false gods. the State with its politicans. the Machine. the creators of Brands. EW. its disgusting. dont u fkin understand that a brand is just a name? who the fuck cares about a label? every one, it appears. yall have learned that gay or straight doesnt matter but yall still think one brand name is better than another. what the fuk. pls stop conforming NOW. im tired of that shit. every day u conform and do what ur suppose to do. do u get some nasty satisfaction out of it? i dont get it. dont u understand that u need to be FREE and LIVE? DONT U UNDERSTAND THAT U NEED TO BREAK OUT OF UR PRISON???? ITS INSIDE UR HEAD!!! THE BARS ARE INVISIBLE! LEAVE UR SOCIETY NOW!! FIND URSELF AND ADD SOME VALUE TO UR LIFE. U ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE STATE AND THE GOVERNMENT. U ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY ORGANIZATION. U ARE MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN ANYTHING YOU COULD EVER SEE WITH UR EYES (THAT ISNT HUMAN). DONT U SEE IT? EVERY DAY UR TAUGHT TO DOUBT URSELF. WELL. I KNOW THINGS OTHERS DONT. IVE SEEN ALL URS BEAUTY. BUT IM TIRED OF THIS FKIN BULLSHIT

yall are some pretty birds.

yall are some pretty birds. but this world will try to make u ugly. now i cri. bai

fear is used to control ppl.

fear is used to control ppl. this is even taught in school these days, i think. but how many get it? the war isnt real. read the news or listen to a politican talk and theres always a war raging somewhere. theres always someone who got stabbed last night. whats the risk of u getting stabbed randomly? it wont happen. but u think it might. ur controlled by fear. u need the State to protect u with its government institutions.  kill me now plz

the world is mostly filled with ignorant people

It's pretty much my understanding that everyone have their own flaws, I think any human could be controlled,misinformed and decieved by anyone or anything without their consent so what choice do we have?

I understand, this world needs more common sense.

You have opened a part of my consciousness that I feel like I have been, "avoiding" in a way.

I'm so small compared to Leacer with an army, spies, hidden knowledge that is almost forbidden. I want to thank you, Ledzeppelin. With your message, you opened peoples minds. I hope that someone, can change their path towards becoming a pure minded leader, with no corruption of society or money or fame. And that person will save a city, state, nation, and the world. This person will hopefully make waves of impact. I want to be one of those people... Not in a "Jesus" way, but in a positive role model way. form there I need to think more on it, on how to help change this bad influince on the worlds. 

I want y'all to rest more. I have noticed in my self that I get more stressed with less sleep. We need a clear and awake mind to make a proper plan. I want to be someone who has power to mi=otivate people and guide them the right direction.

This should be a disscussion forum, I want to talk more about this

This also needs to stay

This also needs to stay family friendly, and spoken like grown ups. I don't want teens to get obssesed on this subject, they might take an action that we don't want to happen. Like a bad protest with physical fights, eek I over think, but I just spoke my mind a bit... It's all good, please correct me if you think I lack knowlege on something

@JohnnyChelo  we dont really

@JohnnyChelo  we dont really have a choice cus free will doesnt exist. if free will existed, we would have to think a thought about the thought we're gonna think. like "im gonna think a thought about shit now. that thought is gonna last for 5 seconds. after that im gonna pick my nose and move my leg" thats not how it works. we are all depersonalized and spectating life. i see my hands moving like crazy on the keyboard but whos moving them? i am not really controlling them. of course, i think i do because ive been taught to think that i do. but its an illusion. everything we ever did and everything we ever will do is destined by our cells in our bodies and the electrical pulses. it is the chemicals in our bodies that make us act the way we do. like the things we do. react the way we do. serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin. testosterone and estradiol. if it was God who controlled us that would be ok. and maybe that is the way it is. but if not, it is the Machine that controls us, along with apparent randomness. why is the psychoactive drug caffeine so popular in our society? why are others banned and 'immoral'? because caffeine is the perfect drug for workers. it doesnt make u much high and it makes u a little bit more effecient at ur job. it became popular with the industrial revolution. lol. its all well thought out. chemicals. media. entertainment. what to like and what to dislike. all to control us and make us behave certain ways. free urself from the prison of the Machine. if we assume tho that free will somehow does exist then u have the choice to question everything and everyone. most importantly urself. if u feel like something makes a lot of sense to u, then u really need to question urself cus thats probably ur mind trying to create some order out of disorder. let me tell u. there is no order. order is a man-made thing. anarchy, beautiful anarchy, reigns the Universe. one second all is well and good, the next second the sun randomly explodes and we're all ded. its all very beautiful. order and control is silly and against the laws of the Universe and Nature. order and control is what the Machine loves. think of the most ugly of beasts. the State is a hundred times more fugly than that. the State would kiss ur sister and have u watch it in horrific distaste. we are the products of the Machine. some are more machine than human. and they think thats a good thing. o fk me. i guess u'd have the choice to search for the Truth. u'd have the choice to choose Solitude. that is where ull find urself. and who You really is will probably surprise u. and the answers will be found too. in the prison system they use solitude as punishment. one week in the hole if u dont behave. and some go crazy. one week alone by themselves and they cant handle it. ive heard many ppl say they dont like being alone. they dont like the thoughts they have. that is worrying. being afraid of who u are. are u judging urself in the eyes of the Machine? come on now. everything that is You and I is perfect. do u get it?

@Lain.jpg  the best thing u can do is spread the word. mhm. and u are not small. theres a whole universe inside u. ur just used to looking at the surface :) u are more important than any society and organization cus u are an individual. u are a miracle. no society is. no country is. the Machine isnt. see?

Happiness comes in waves.

Right now I'm ridding a wave of happiness. . . I know it will end soon. I have been reaching out to people in hopes that I can make more happiness in in others lives. I want others to do the same, but it's hard. I know school will bite me in the brain when I fail, but that wont stop me. What will is a stupid number called GPA. When I got my first B+, it went down 2 points, now I have a D- in BIOL, and I'm going to drown. My Honors classes down the drain.


DONT BELIVE FOR ONE SECOND that I am smart. I just work hard, but lately I have been slacking due to some soul searching... theres so much I want to do, but cant due to my low experience level. I cant walk in the streets at night or drive because of so many cruel people. ARRGHHHAAAA


I need to put my thoughts in order before I can make change. Get on the right path. . .

Thank you for listening.

I lack experience in life in general is what I mean.

I was sheltered thats why I said I lacked street smarts. I am now an adult and don't have an excuse. I want to learn it all, and I will!!!
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