[DOF] Entertainment: Life in School

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[DOF] Entertainment: Life in School



We all know that we learn alot from schools but there are some subjects that we hate and there's a subject that we really like. When I was on grade school I don't really like science and sometimes I fell asleep while the teacher is discussing or I'm not sleeping but I'm not listening and at the end of the subject I was like "huh?" haha I don't understand what my teacher discussed for the whole hour of subject, after discussion my teacher will give us quiz and I was like "bro can I copy your answer" hahaha and then I got a passing score. I also hate math because I don't like numbers and I just copy answers from my classmate, I do that for the whole year. When I was on grade school I don't have favorite subject. When I turn to High School I said "Nooooo Science and Math Again?!", and I think that Science and Math is more harder in High School so I'm worried about what will happen at the end of the year. What I did in grade school is the same in high school, copy paste from best friend and got a passing grade. My favorite Subject when I was on High School was History, I really like history at that time and I'm very active in that subject, I have complete notes, high grades (not copy paste from friend ) and I'm very interested in Histoy and our History Teacher was my favorite teacher. Next is TLE, I like those activities in TLE and I always help them and then Computer because I like computer and computer activities. When I turned in College and I take the BS I.T course I saw " Math & Science" Again and I said "Math and Science again?!, I taked Information Technology and I think that that course doesnt have Math and Science. I don't know if I can survive this year" and then I do the Copy Paste Again but at that time I got low grades because I really hate science and math subjects. In Programming subject there's no problem only in Math and Science. I said in myself "I suffered Math and Science subject for 10 Years and now +4 more years", but I failed in some subjects omwhen I was 2nd Year because I don't like the professor so I transfered to Vocational and again Math and Science! but our math professor was the President of the School although he gave us quiz and exams, he let us pass the subject even we literally failed it. He knows that IT course doesnt need math and science so he let us cheat during quizzes and gives us answers when we take exam. I can't say thank you because I'm speechless that he let us cheat, let us copy from classmate even make a group exam and gives the answer to us. When my first day in that school and I'm alone he comes and talk to me saying " Hey what's the problem?" and I say nothing sir and later on I realized that the guy who talked to me was the president of the school. He wears simple shirt and pants with hole and a rubber shoes like a simple person unlike other president wearing americana and black pants and black shoes. He is the best for me, he knows and he understands the students sacrifce. I missed those old times with my friends and those memories.


How about you? how was your grade school/High School or College Life? What's your favorite/hated subjects? What Course do you plan to take in college or why do you pick your chosen course? Comment down below your opinions or what can you say about the topic:)


Personally, all of my schooling has been fun. Not the education part, but the friends I've made along the way. Who likes doing math. Not me! Yuck!

So I live in Denmark, and

So I live in Denmark, and when I was younger I got bullied a lot in school because I'm half Asian and that affected my productivity in school and as I grew up I went to a lot of different schools because I never really was happy. When I was around 14, I realized that I shouldn't be ashamed of looking different, it's just how I was born and I'm proud of that so when I turned 15, I moved to a class that I actually really liked and even tho I had many problems at home, I got through the year.

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