[DOF] Entertainment: Body Image

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[DOF] Entertainment: Body Image


Body image is described as how you see or picture yourself in your mind. The way you portray your body can be altered and influenced by the media itself, which plays a big role in today’s society. This can either impact you in a positive or negative way, although usually negatively. What you see is not always what you get. Most that are plastered across the media tends to be very deceiving as they try to portray something that is considered, or what they consider, to be the “ideal”.

Seeing celebrities and models, you look up and admire them. At least I do. I mean how can someone be so perfect with such beautiful face and body? Nice genes? Maybe. But in addition to that is countless of editing and retouching behind the scene and the power of make-up. So the “ideal” that the media is trying to present to the people does not even exist in the first place. Okay, maybe there are still some celebrities and models who nevertheless the editing and make-up still looks great. But you have to think of it like this, that’s their job. They get paid to maintain their figures and look great in the public. They have to limit themselves as to what they can eat and work out how many hours in a day.

I’m not gonna lie but I am quite stern with my weight. I don’t think I have the best body image of myself to even talk about such topic but I do enjoy these sorts of discussion. I’m quite slim but I have a mind-set that it’s not enough and I need to lose more weight. I don’t think I have any eating disorder in any way as I enjoy eating (a lot) and trying to keep active. But it’s just that it simply isn’t enough. Nevertheless, I have accepted many things about my body including, let’s just say, being flat. I don’t have a body that is anywhere near a Victoria’s Secret model and that’s okay. My body is unequal due to having quite broad shoulders and that’s okay too because instead I have nice collarbones. I have learnt through the years to accept some of the many flaws of my body and overlook it with what I like about it. It’s still after all in the process, and would continuously be so. It’s far from “ideal” but it is mine, and what the media portrays may be nice but not everyone can achieve that. We’re all different, with some being more blessed than the others, and besides; I think I would rather live my life enjoying the luxury of food than having to spend most time in the gym and limiting myself with how much I intake in each meal.

What about you? What's your body image like? Have you had any issues that has affected your perception of your body due to the people around you, the media, or any other factors? Comment below to share your thought about the topic and maybe your experience of it? 




Nice post. I think the

Nice post. I think the essence of our being is deep inside us. The mind, which is what makes you who you are, isnt even visible. Of course we like to appreciate aesthetically pleasing things like a body or a painting but i think a person becomes truly attractive when i learn about their beautiful mind. Many times have i ’fallen in love’ with someone for being so nice. Or because their eyes seem to contain a whole universe. Just work with what youve got, which might be more than you realize. Do your thing. When you are comfortable with yourself you start radiating life and beauty. Also, ideals can be very weird. Just google for strange fashion trends and ideals throughout history. Sometimes i think that media with its trends is for mad people.

And maybe i am unique but i

And maybe i am unique but i love hair. If youve got hair on your head then youre already in luck. Mhm

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