[DOF] Questions and Surveys: Do you believe in GOD

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[DOF] Questions and Surveys: Do you believe in GOD



Do you believe in GOD? Do you beieve in Religion? I absolutely believe in Religion and GOD simply because a man can build a building but not the whole world, animal and nature and natural elements such as Fire, Water, Air, Rocks and Rock Formations and Lightning. Scientist may discover thing but before they discover a thing such as gravity, it's already there before they were born and study science so I don't believe in science even in the Table of Elements, all elements are natural not man made.


Scientist says that there was a Big Bang, uhm who's alive at that time that saw what happened if they say the Big Bang created Earth? I do believe what's written in Bible because what's written in bible is what's happening today.


What makes me believe in GOD is "Earth, Life, Animal, Nature and Natural Elements are not man made" Scientists only discovers elements but GOD created it. Scientists studied about Earth, Life, Nature but they can't create one of them. Earth, Life, Animal, Nature and Natural Elements are already there before they were born in this world. Why would I believe to Science if they can't even create one Life, one Animal, one Nature and Natural Elements? How would I believe to Scientist who says there was Big Bang if they weren't alive that time?


How about you, do you believe in GOD and Religion? What makes you believe in GOD and Religion? Feel free to comment down your opinion about this topic/thread.

classical elements arent real

classical elements arent real

by studying our universe we can go back in time and theorize about the big bang. when we watch the universe expand at a certain rate we can calculate when it must have all begun

god in the bible didnt create anything cus god in the bible doesnt exist. scientists cant create 'natural elements' like fire because 'natural elements' dont exist. fire consists of many different chemical elements. science can create anything that can be created. how can you believe that god created earth if no one was there to see him do it?

i like to believe that there

i like to believe that there is a God and we will do things for a reason. I dont activly pray or go to church to show my support though. I dont think he needs to see me in church to know i believe. 

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