[DOF] Advice & Second Opinion: Goodbye and Thank You.

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[DOF] Advice & Second Opinion: Goodbye and Thank You.

No, this isn’t my goodbye UN speech, but let me ask you, UN Forum readers, why do people say goodbye?

I used to think that saying goodbye to people meant: a) I definitely will not be seeing them anymore, b) they will not be able to call me, c) they will not be able to write, send me a card during holidays or any other occasion, d) I will not be able to see them face to face, hug them, laugh with them and enjoy their company, cry and empathize with them or just be with them doing nothing; that is why I didn’t believe in saying goodbye.  Back then, I felt saying it was only for the dying, the dead; most people cry a river during funerals because they know their loved one will never be around anymore.

Goodbyes are evident in phases in life like changing schools, graduating from college,  changing work environment, getting married, having children, growing old and dying, solely because there will always be people who leave and those that gets left behind.

Sometime ago one of my ex bosses migrated to the US, I was filled neck deep in work and was not able to attend her despedida (sending out) party. Despite the distance we managed to talk over messaging app, until the talks and calls became less and less. More than two years ago she messaged me asking me to send her my CV to see if her employer can sponsor for my work placement in the US. And like before I was too busy and forgot all about it. A couple of months after that, she suffered an aneurysm and died, she was 50, so young; gone too soon.

it was then that I realized the importance of saying goodbye, we say it because we are never promised tomorrow or even later.  

Now when I say goodbye to family, friends and even acquaintances I actually mean, while we are apart ...

... I hope you have a wonderful time.

... I hope life treats you kind.

... I hope you be richly blessed.

... I hope you find what you are looking for.

... I wish nothing but the best for you.

... I hope you can call me, write me or visit me soon.

... I hope you won’t forget me.

... Thank you for our time together.

... Thank you for all you have taught me.

... You will always be remembered and loved.

... Take care out there.

... I will miss you.

p.s. Yes, it has been more than two years since my ex-boss/mentor/friend‘s passing, I still miss her, but life continues so I say goodbye and thank you.



lovely post

Thank you

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