[DOF] Entertainment: Insomnia

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[DOF] Entertainment: Insomnia

i have had insomnia for as long as I can remember. My parents do not know about it mainly because I haven’t told, and probably never will tell them about it. It first manifested while I was working for a certain company, stress and deadlines took a toll on me, I started getting sick, but even then I was still at work attending meetings after meetings after meetings, until after a few days of being sick and when my temperature soared to 39.1°C, I asked my immediate boss if I could leave early since I wasn’t feeling well but  all I got was “but we have a deadline” for a reply; so I ended up staying for another 3hrs.

Stress does play a huge part in our everyday lives. Whether it is attributed to homework, exams, work related stuff, family issues, romantic relationships going rocky. It always manifests in our body, our health, hair, nails, skin, etc.

Depression can also lead to insomnia in it’s ironic sense since with depressed people; they tend to sleep more during the day so that each day gets over and done with faster, but when night time comes, they go to bed at their supposedly bedtime but do not really end up sleeping. I should know, I’ve been in and out of it for the longest time.

Medication is essential, true, but it is also expensive and where I come from, medicine is way more expensive than a pack of instant noodles; you just can’t afford a long time intake of it.

So what do we do? We use whatever resources we have available. Recognizing drama and completely avoiding it is beneficial. If you do not have real life friends to hang out with, join a support group, an online community and find a friend or two whom you can be comfortable with and just be yourself. Knowing and acknowledging what stresses you out is vital.

So as I lay in bed at 2:27am, nowhere near sleepy, knowing fully well that I will be awakened at 4am-ish, due to the simple thing called body clock, I am posting this for all UN Forums Discusskln readers.

And like what I always say:

Stay UNdeniably cool

Be UNdebatably gorgeous

And forever be UNquestionably you.


Should’ve posted this under Advice & Second Opinion.

My experience

I don't know if it's considered insomnia if you can't sleep because you always imagine a thing going wrong again and again. It's not a nightmare but when I see my imagination I wake up.


Hi Lavander,

Thank you for sharing your experience and something so personal with us on our forums, even though I would have suggested to post this thread under "Advice and second opinions" rather than Entertainment, it's totally fine. I have experienced mental health issues as long as I can remember, I started developing depression at a very young age and it has lead to anxiety and I have also experienced insominia in the past. I don't think you should feel ashamed or embarrassed to tell your family members or parents. They will love you no matter what and i know that it is is frightening to even confront or openly speak about this with them. It is easier said than done but I do encourage you to open up to your parents about your condition so you can receive the support and help you need if you wish to change things in your life. I currently do not experience insomnia and anxiety as much as I used to and I have actually learnt to deal with my anxiety on a healthy level now. It took me a while to get used to the changes in my life but everything good in life does require patience. If you are not ready or comfortable to share this with your parents, maybe seek a free councilor or psychologist who you can speak to as it is more private and confidential, sometimes its easier to speak to a total stranger about what you're experiencing than your own family. If you need someone to speak to or to seek any advice, you can always speak to me or anyone else in our community if you feel like you can open up to us more, we are not trained professionals but we are here for you and will try to advise you and support you in anyway we can. From my experience, I am a natural stresser, I stress over everything and I worry and overthink. I have learn't to cope with these and mange them in a more healthier way. I changed my diet, started eating more organic, healthy and started making more home made meals as they are more better and delicious than buying take-away or any junk food. I started drinking more water, about 2L daily to keep myself dehydrated. I started working out more, even if its for 30 minutes a day, it can really make a difference. I also started using less eletronics before bed, this has helped me rapidly with my insomnia, try to stop using your phone or any devices about 2 hours before sleep, have a nice warm shower or spend some time relaxing by reading a book or folding some clothes. Cleaning and doing chores has also affected my depression and stress levels. Try to think less and think positive, positive thinking will go a long way. Every little good deed you do will send out positive energy in your brain which will make you feel better about yourself. Creating simple tasks for you to do which benefits your brain to think positively will decrease overthinking, stress and the more relaxed you are, the easier sleep is for you. I hope my advice works, or even if you find your own ways to relieve stress. 

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