[DOF] Entertainment: Listen & Learn (My Interview with Cindy - Part Two)

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[DOF] Entertainment: Listen & Learn (My Interview with Cindy - Part Two)

We now continue the conversation with our lovely Founder, Cindy

LB:  From your point of view, what were the significant changes that UN went thru over the course of four years?
C:   Honestly, theres so many to name. In my years of being within our community, we started off with having a disorganised Foundation team who worried more about how many rank points they were earning, rather than team work and what we were able to achieve as a Team to now an amazing Foundation team with active members who come online on a daily basis and do their best to help our community. Without the foundation team we have and every single member who was a part of the Foundation, we all strived to be who we are now, I do not regret meeting any one of them. We have built a very strong source of communication within our community, we started off with a very inactive small facebook group to active Skype group chats and conversations, now on Discord. Our communication within each and every team in our community is so strong and active. We currently have 6 active special units and have had many other different units who benefitted our community within a certain time period. We went from having 1 unit leader for each unit to now every unit having 2-4 members in the admin team, we've also implemented ambassador and head positions which is a massive improvement. We now have an active forums where people use and participate in, active twitter, radio station, events and community based. I think everything that has happened within our community is an amazing journey and memory.

LB:  Was there ever a time that you wanted to change the point system? Why so or why not?
C:   No. We originally had a points system with helmets that were given in base but was randomly generated. So it was luck based rather than actually being able to work for it, we had that for about 6 Months before we switched to the current arrow points system. I personally wouldn't change it because its one of our main unique ways showing members our goals, it also prevents biased promotions.

LB:  Are there any changes within UN as a result of Scotty's retirement? (Not counting the transfer of Founders)
C:   We will be getting a new base under UN_Founder on the 10th of September and new badges.

LB:  If you can give Scotty one advice or message what would you like to tell him?
C:   I would like to thank him for believing in me and giving me a chance at joining UN. If it wasn't for him reaching out to me on Facebook in 2014, I don't think I would be here Today. I would never have thought I would make it this far or be such an important asset to our community. I wish to make him proud and make our current community and our future proud, I will try my very best to always do whats right and the best for our community.

LB:  Any shoutout, message to all current and future members of UN.
C:    I would like to just say that I know I am not Scottyy?! and I will not try to be. I know I can be intimidating and may seem scary but by the end of the day, like you guys I am just someone who plays Habbo to meet new friends from all walks of the world and to be accepted for who I am. I am not here to be your "boss" or be someone you're forced to respect, I am generally here for anyone who is looking for advise, second opinion or even looking for someone to vent to. I try to be as understanding and as honest with anyone I speak to, to prevent any misleading hope. I will try to be a friend in need and even will attempt to put myself in your shoes for a change. I am here to not make your lives more difficult, but I am here as a guidance and someone to help you overcome your fears or advise you to always do the best to your abilities at everything.


LB:  Early bird or Night Owl
C:    Early bird, my brain functions a lot better in the mornings and I accomplish more throughout the day when I wake up around 5am.

LB:  Cake or Ice Cream
C:    Ice Cream

LB:  Burger or Pizza
C:    Pizza

LB:  Right or left?
C:   Right

LB:  Lights Off or Lights On
C:   Lights on, Im scared of the dark.

LB:  Bad News first or Good News First
C:   Bad news first, "always expect the worse, but hope for the best!"

LB:  Car or house
C:   I currently own a car but my dream is to be able to purchase a house under my name and invite my mother to live with me for the rest of her life without paying bills.

LB:  Beach house or Forest Cabin
C:   Currently own a family beach house, I love the beach but I also enjoy camping in the forest.

LB:  City life or Countryside
C:   Currently living the city life, where there is constant noise and drama.

LB:  Casual or Rugged (in reference to daily outfits)
C:   I am always dressed either casual or elegant

To our ever lovely Founder, Cindy, thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview.

To all of us in UN, and to the many others who will join UN in the immediate, near and distant future, always remember to be

UNiquely You
UNwavering in dedication
UNdebatably gorgeous, no matter what others say
UNfaltering in spirit.

This was really a wonderful

This was really a wonderful and informative interview i enjoyed reading! Kudos!

[DOF] Entertainment: Listen & Learn (My Interview with Cindy)

Thank you for taking the time to read my thread.
Thank you for the nice comment as well.

Nice thread! :D  

Nice thread! :D


Lovely interview

I really loved this interview, specially the backstory of when Cindy joined UN it shows a side I am ot familiar with of her and the hornesty is amazing.

Good job :)

I really enjoyed reading this

I really enjoyed reading this interview.

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