[DOF] Entertainment: Upworthy Movies

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[DOF] Entertainment: Upworthy Movies

We all have a little go-to list for when we’re bored or feeling down, something that we can do constantly again and again without getting weary of it. So I’m going to discuss a common item on said list, which is movies. 

I have too long of a list to put here without boring you but I’ll discuss a few and the why for them. 


  1. Ten Things I Hate About You(1999): Hopefully you’re familiar with it. The story might be a cliché but it’s beautiful regardless with how perfectly it indulges romance and humour. And Heath Ledger is a huge bonus. Personally, I can relate a lot to Kat and her rebellious, feminist self. 
  2. Legally Blonde(2001): Although I normally wouldn’t have an interest in a movie like this but there is something very admirable and contagious behind Elle Woods’ determination, how she strives in the Law world, and I definitely have a thing for seeing stereotypes broken and chucked into people’s faces.
  3. Mulan (1998): You’ll find an annoying abundance of Disney in my laptop. Mulan treads on a journey for self-reflection, something we all try to embark on at some point of our lives. She happens to however find it after she decides to fight a battle in her father’s stead. Something special about Mulan is that she also did, in fact, exist and her real life story is far more attention-grabbing than the movie. 



So, that marks an end of the number of movies I’ll discuss here. These are the ones with the most amount of instances I can relate to or admire or idolise. Hence why they’ll always be my go to regardless of how often I’ve watched them. Now, I’ll be on my way to start binging through my collection starting with No 1, with my popcorn and list of obscenities to utter every time Joey Donner and his ridiculously hot self acts in one way or another to appease his narcissist personality.



Nice first entry fatima.

Again welcome to DOF and we’ll be watching out for more of your threads.


Thank you for sharing, I'll definitely be watching these movies 

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