[DOF] This Thing Called "Distance"

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[DOF] This Thing Called "Distance"


We say distance is just a number; some say it’s a barrier, separating people apart; some say it’s a test; to others, a pain. But what is this thing called “distance”? 


Distance is nothing more than an empty space is the plane of reality; nothing more than thin air in-between. In the very essence of things, this ‘distance’ can either be broken, or not.


A good example is this virtual society we call “Habbo”, we find this measly game as an escape from reality where we spend our time in this boundless virtual realm coexisting with other people, forming bonds, settling differences, and, most importantly, having fun. This indeed solves the idea of ‘distance’ mentally, but not physically; reality is inescapable. We are bound to it, even if we spend our entire lives on the internet, on playing games, on doing something else in order to escape reality. 


If so, then this thing called ‘distance’ is unbreakable?  


Not really. If one yearns to physically cross the bounds of the real world, one can do so. We live in a world where anything—that is logical—is possible. One can even travel a hundred mile within a short time-frame. If so, then this thing called ‘distance’ is nothing but a hurdle. But of course, not everyone can cross this hurdle. It requires time, effort, and commitment upon doing so, and crossing the unknown is a scary thing to do! Not everything is foreseeable, after all. 


So, what? 


What is there to worry about? I’d say, just enjoy what little thing we have. Is it necessary to break the ‘physical boundary’? Not really. What happens, happens. It’s good to be calculative and rational, but sometimes, leaving it all to fate is the answer. Just enjoy! 





how cute

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