[DOF] New Year's Resolution: Make Them Stick

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[DOF] New Year's Resolution: Make Them Stick




New Year's Resolution: Make Them Stick

by: Lavanders_blue


I remember when I was in primary and intermediate school, all of my English teachers no matter what grade I was in, would make everyone write their New Year's Resolution as a form of paper that we should hand in by the end of the first week of January of the new year. Back then it meant writing a whole bunch of things that I would do for the whole year; without really being serious in keeping them or be determined to fulfill.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a resolution is the act of solving a problem or finding a way to improve a difficult situation. The key word is "resolute" so there must be an experience or an on going situation that one wants to change for the better or improve.

Pretty sure most of you would say, "pfffft that's easy" ... but is it really about just writing it down?  Do we just enumerate and then check out the ones that we actually got to do?  Is it just a list for some of us?

If my New Year's Resolution back then were a mere list of things to do, nowadays it is definitely something different to what I used to prepare. Now, resolutions come with a goal to actually seeing them to fruition.

So how does one make a New Year's Resolution that could work? ... Here are some tips.

1. Know the different situations you want to address. Your weight, smoking / drinking habit, wild spending spree, make up obsession, too much habbo (erm, talking about myself?).

2. Be specific in what you want to achieve in each of the situation/s. You can not just say you want to lose weight. You have to at least have a definite number to work towards to.

3. Be realistic. If it is your weight you want to improve, do not expect to shed off 200lbs in 2 days. It is best to start small.  It is such an achievement to see even a tiny progress into what you want to achieve and once you do see them, you would be so pumped up and excited to continue and see more noticeable results.

4. Share your list with family and friends. Let them know your dedication into achieving them and ask for their support.  Imagine wanting to lose weight but then your family would only tease you and keep ordering take out and stuffing you, telling you " ... nah forget about your New Year's Resolution, you will not get them done anyway ..." 

5. Results vary. So maybe the exercise routine is not giving you your desired results, eventhough it has been a month and not a sign of weight loss whatsoever ... IT IS OKAY. Oftentimes, the first way to go about is not the best one. It is best to stop for a moment. See where you need to adjust and just start again.

6. Have the right attitude. In all of these, our attitude would play a great part in making our resolutions into a reality.  If we would give up easily then all our new year's resolution will never stick.  Know you can do it, believe in yourself and just keep moving, because the moment you stop, then that is the end of all possibilities and opportunities.

Remember, you can do this. Trust your capabilities. Have faith in yourself. Just keep moving, you will get there eventually.





I read this and I'm going to try it with my resolution which is surpisingly still going!

Never have been able to stick

Never have been able to stick to my new years resolutions haha

I made none this year

I made none this year

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