[DOF] Offline and Bored

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[DOF] Offline and Bored


Offline and Bored

by: Lavanders_blue


Waking up one day with a mindset of just being on habbo, grinding for some arrows (which roughly is a minimum of 40), joining most of the DOE games, listening to DOR DJ's and requesting some tunes, and probably joining a UN Voice call over on discord turned me speechless as I turned on my housemate's laptop only to find out I do not have internet connection.

Say that again, I do not have internet connection? WHY?

I looked at the cables, tried to figure out if they're disconnected from the socket or if the plug is not functioning properly. But after a good 10 minutes or so, I knew that was not the problem.  I called the internet provider, and after pressing a few buttons in response to an automated help desk, I found out I have an unpaid balance.  WHAT??? I HAVE AN UNPAID BALANCE?!?!  That is not possible, I said to myself.  So I called my housemate to verify that a payment was indeed made but viola it turned out it was overlooked and what was worse, the money intended to pay for the internet subscription was used for other purposes.  GREAT.

There I was, staring into the laptop screen, telling myself I will not pay for this because I already gave my share of the payment and that it is solely my housemate's fault. 

(Blink) (Blink) (Blink) 

I still do not have internet access.

"So what do I do now?", I found myself saying.

Internet Cafe.  The first thing that came to mind was paying PHP40/hr (that is less than US$ 1.00) at a nearby internet shoppe/cafe. It was convenient since I only had to walk a few blocks, around 15 or so, or I could take the round trip tricycle (a local public transport) ride that cost a total of PHP50.  The business minded person in me made quick computations; I will be spending PHP50 (US$1) for the ride and PHP160 (about US$3.00) for four(4) hours use, a total probable expense of PHP210 (about US$4.00). 

(Blnk) (Blink) (Blink)

There is no way I will spend PHP210 for that. I would rather buy food enough to nourish me for a few days.

Mobile Data.  Then I thought of loading up for data. I can get 2MB for PHP99.  But then again, that would mean I would have to download habbo and use my mobile phone to play.  (Blink) (Blink) (Blink) Using a phone with a screen measuring 2"x3" to play habbo is not and will never be a good idea, trust me.

So what can bored people do while they are offline.

The problem with the generation today, they are left clueless as to what they can possibly do when there is no wifi. Here are some tips to get you through.

Instrument.  If you do not know how to play an instrument; this is the perfect time to start.  Knowing how to play at least one instrument can save you from quite a good number of hours from being bored and idle.  Whether it is a guitar, ukelele, piano, drums saxophone, flute, or even a harmonica can be your best friend during times like these.

Workout.  After the holidays, you might have put a few extra pounds here and there and losing internet connection is probably a blessing in disguise for you to start burning those off. If it is too expensive to get yourself into a gym then you can always do workouts at home. You can run a few miles, lift home made weights, do crunches, sit-ups, planks and maybe yoga.  This could potentially be the start of a daily routine for you which ultimately benefits you in the long run.

Read.  Unfortunately, most books these days are residing in our devices but you can always look around the house for books that your parents own and see which ones interest you.  You can also go to your local public library, get a card, borrow books or just stay there for awhile and get lost in all that physical data available within reach. 

Garden. Discover the green thumb in you.  Start with something easy to take care off, like a cactus. Then start adding flowering plants and then maybe when you get enough experience, you could probably start a vegetable garden and sell your produce.

Arts and Craft. There are endless possibilities when you let your creative mind take over you for a change. Get some crayons melt them and blow over paper. You can frame them or use them as book covers. Find some yarn and make friendship bracelets and store to give to friends on their birthdays. 

Fun and Games. Invite your friends over for some games. It can be basketball, baseball, volleyball, indoor games like board games. 

To be honest the list of things one can do while disconnected from the world wide web is endless. You just have to look around your home and see what is there to do. Be adventurous. Be bold. Be creative.

How about you, what do you do when you are bored and offline?


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I just sleep when im bored

I just sleep when im bored and offline xd

i watch on(?) the tv :D 

i watch on(?) the tv :D 

The struggle of loosing wifi

The struggle of loosing wifi is real, last time I lost internet I went to my sisters house and nobody was home so sat in my car outside the house using their wifi LOL

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