[DOF] Rest

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[DOF] Rest

Is it poetry week or what in the UN Forums? Anyway, since everyone's being poetic, I dug out my old poem which I wrote three years back in class during my time as a literature student in school. A little shabby, but I'm gonna share it nonetheless!

"Rested" by Rollands

What my memories hold I dare not say,

For they are the reasons I am today.

The pain builds up in a giant pail,

and I turn to pills when they overspill.


My mind turns blank at the traffic lights

Green is go but red's just bright.

A honk, a bang, then a deafening squeak,

Here's what's next- but I can't speak.


Blood trails beneath my hollow head.

Follow me, now here's my death bed.

I see the tears and the guilty gaze,

no longer theirs who to be saved.


They slide me down the metal door.

I wave goodbye to an empty shore.

Freedom is here and freedom is sweet.

Oh, who knew living would be such a beat.



From morbid to solace. Fantastic! Keep on writing. Let's keep this art-form alive!

I love this sort of poem! I

I love this sort of poem! I remember when I used to write this type of poem too, truly amazing! keep up the good work :'D

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