[DOF] Entertainment (Short Story): Footprints on the Snow

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[DOF] Entertainment (Short Story): Footprints on the Snow

“Footprints on the Snow” 


He walks down a murky path of snow following a pair of footprints face down, giggling at every step he takes, for the footprints never fit his size. The distance between each step were abroad, yet to his persistence he trails them, like a hound searching for its hunt. As he jumps on these footprints, a Rabbit, as white as snow is wagging its tail. It caught his attention, however, the boy never bothered, focusing on his quest to follow these humongous footprints seemingly how Archeologists discovered Dinosaurs once walked the surface of the Earth; he followed every twist, every turn, every abruption of these footprints magnificently. 

The boy suddenly stops as he saw an array of footprints scattered across with varying sizes everywhere, mixed with bicycle tracks and carts that made the footprints unidentifiable. To his discovery, he immediately tilts his head up, scanning the perimeter where he sees a building fenced by wires tangled up on each other as if the Saskatchewan Federal Penitentiary insofar as criminals wouldn’t escape. The boy squints his eyes, focusing his gaze through the thick air only to see pink, enveloping the building, with its roofs covered in white, and a sign, reminding the world that Family day is on the 18th of February; a Kindergarten school. And so, he traces every footprint on the snow, measuring each size—big or small—in the hopes of finding the footprint that never fit his size. The boy incessantly pursues every footprint; his nose as red as a tomato; his breath, solidifying the air around him as he grasps for air.  

Winded as he has ever been.  

The poor boy finally decides to stop, shutting his eyes as hard as he can, holding his manly tears back, pursing his lips, and wrapping his teeth. He couldn’t admit it—who could? His quest is a failure. He decided to flee the area face down, dragging his feet away to escape his downfall. As he walks, his feet felt something; something different. Something he has never felt during his quest, trailing the footprints. He slowly uncovers his sight, only to see a blank slate of white with no footprints to follow. His tears began to fall, but never fell on the snow. He couldn’t stop even as he wipes his eyes and the snot with his mitts. The boy decides to continue walking down the pristine path of snow, alone, going against the biting chill with his arms reaching shoulder-to-shoulder, shielding his head from the Winter winds.  

As he follows the road not taken by anyone, the wind finally began to cease. The boy decides to put both his hands down and survey the place, only to see a white rabbit hopping across the path. The Rabbit stops and looks at him, then continue its course on the road, going on ahead without a sign. The boy smiled, as the winds died. 

It was peaceful; it was quiet. The boy continues to walk down the path with new footprints on the snow. 

Snow ....

I can imagine how much snow you had to shovel, thus the inspiration to write about it ... hahaha
Keep them coming, the posts though, not the snow...

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