[DOF] Dreams ~ A Poem

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[DOF] Dreams ~ A Poem

You guys probably don't know this but I used to write poems back in high school, I've decided to post two of my favorite ones  that I wrote. This one was a dream I had about a certain guy, who is stll in my life thank the heavens. Anyways so this poem is called "Dreams," and it is based on a real dream.





I see the moon in his eyes,

Like an angel, 

He's been in disguise.

Through my dreams,

He sings to me,

An ever so sweet lullaby.

Through the day, 

He ways caressing me,

With his songs of compassion. 

Oh sweet dreams of love,

Can you tell me what lies above?

Will the future hold true? 

That this man really is my boo? 


We all know that dreams are part of our subconscious, but are they also part of our desires and wishes? I think "Brainchild" (found on Netflix) said it is.. I'm not exactly sure on that though. I learned a lot from that show,(excuse me for my rambling, I'm running on limited sleep and being sick)

We all know the difference between dreams and nightmares, and if it's not obvious the poem was about a dream, but i left out the nightmare part of it.

You see at the end of this dream, I lost the man. He ran away from me at the altar due to the fact that I, for some unknown reason, decided to wear the wrong color of dress because I couldn't find a Red, black and blue wedding dress. I woke up with my bed drenched from tears, because I actually loved the guy. Three weeks later, the guy in the dream, said he loved me. I hugged him because I couldn't stop thinking about the dream. I asked him if I read him the poem, to my surprise, he said no. I, then read the poem to him. He asked why I was sad about the poem, and I told him the same thing I'm telling you guys. He hugged me for what felt like an hour, but in reality was only really five minutes.

Weirdest thing about this dream, I'm dating the guy now, and once again, I don't want to lose him. I never have, from the day I met him, I was in love with him. I'm happy and don't want to lose him.

Have you had a dream that turned into a nightmare or vice versa? How's about a nice dicussion on this topic?

Love the philosophical touch

Love the philosophical touch ;)

thank you :D 

thank you :D 


A sweet and romantic poem to warm the hearts during winter. Marvellous! Keep it up!

Aweh thank chu :D 

Aweh thank chu :D 

This is awesome i love it

This is awesome i love it

Thank chuu

Thank chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i thought so too :D





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