COMPLAINT : Please review someone!

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COMPLAINT : Please review someone!

Literally, fifteen minutes ago, I spent about five minutes trying to get a job with the UN and then get into base itself. Both seemed difficult. There was one individual on the front desk called Mythical who seemed really nice, however, she was dealing with someone sat AFK at her desk. Therefore, I was unable to get the help I needed. Whilst I was clearly waiting behind said individual at front desk, there were approximately three members with the "GOV" badge on. They were all just say there, having a chat, not caring that clearly assistance was needed at the front desk.

Screenshots have been taken of said incident. The screenshots are located at and and also

After getting into base, I then attempted to go into the thrones as I had to go AFK. Unfortanately, one of the members of "GOV" that were not assisting the front earlier, then decided to block the doorway so I was unable to get in. Said member of "GOV" then decided to go AFK in the doorway for approximately 5 minutes and is still AFK now. I'm not happy as I've only just joined and it appears that these "GOV" members (the ones in the screenshots) think they're better than everyone else, ignoring the fact that assistance was needed and just overall making the UN a unhappy vibe. The user that was mainly resposible is known as "A28." The screenshot for this incident is also located at 

It also cannot  be disputed by A28. that he was only there  briefly, as you can see the time in this screenshot    approximately four/five minutes on from my last one. Clearly afk, blocking the thrones and if he is not trying to block the thrones then he is clearly AFK in the hallway. 

Please can someone get back to me on this thread, if I don't receive a satisfactory response to my complaint I will be leaving the UN and not stepping foot in again. I don't expect this type of treatment and if this is happening on a daily basis then these members shouldn't even be deserving of the "GOV" badge.


Response from the Foundation Team


This issue has been resolved between a member of Foundation and bobbahead976 himself via PMs on Habbo earlier this Tuesday the 11th (GMT+8). As promised in the conversation, we have taken neccessary measures and have spoken to the people involved in the issue. We'd like to thank bobbahead976 for reaching out to us and we apologize for the inconvenience he experienced. Thank you for your time and have a good day.

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