Accidentally Converted PP to RP

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Accidentally Converted PP to RP

I am on the Habbo UN site on my phone and my finger accidentally clicked on the green "Convert Your Pay Points to Rank Points Here!" link and I lost my 3750 PP. :(

I want them back, haha. Is there any way for me to undo what I just did or can someone with access do this for me, please? :)


Lesson learned: Don't click the link unless you want 0 pay points, lol. 

There's unfortunately no way

There's unfortunately no way you can get them back. I feel for you, I've done it a million times haha. Although, there should really be a "do you want to convert? Yes/No" button to stop accidental clicks.

Haha, okay, thank you for the

Haha, okay, thank you for the reply!
Yes, there should be a confirmation pop-up or something. Or at least a "How many points would you like to convert?" option.

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