Arrow Hunting Rule Updated

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Arrow Hunting Rule Updated

I've noticed alot of people being dishonest and taking advantage of the arrow system, so I have updated the rule for Arrow Hunting to make it easier for Admins & Owners to enforce it. The new rule is that you may only earn 1 arrow per 15 minutes, which to me seems quite fair, considering if you weren't taking advantage of the system you would have to wait 35 minutes for one arrow. 

Admins & Owners will deduct between 250 to 500 points for people who are taking advantage of the system. This is to ensure that everyone ranks up fairly and people aren't left without arrows because others are being greedy. The Ownership and Administration will be enforcing this rule alot more now because we now have a measurable time that determines whether you are "Arrow Hunting" or not.


Here is the complete rule that you can find under Guides>Rules & Guidelines:

 Arrow Hunting - There are several types of Arrow Hunting, this can be defined as; following the arrow around from seat to seat in order to cheat the system and gain points faster, also ignoring work stations that need to be filled in order to get the arrow. We see all forms of Arrow Hunting to be dishonest and unfair and in result of doing this you may lose the point. You may only claim one arrow every 15 minutes, If you are found to claim more than one arrow in the past 15 minutes you will be deducted 250 or 500 points depending on your rank.


If members within United Nations can't keep track every 15 minutes , so on. Just remember it's 3 seats from were you last recieved a reward. Better safe then sorry 

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