[DOC] WhY I decided to join UN

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[DOC] WhY I decided to join UN

Why I decided to join UN?

Well first off their foundation team is always active and friendly. Secondly the points system and that they do events all through everyday. Thirdly everyone is friendly and nice. Lastly UN doesn't have any uniform rule or colored chat rule, but they do have some rules. I also joined to gain a higher rank than at my other agencies like ownership or OOA but that's far down the road.


Why other's should join UN?

Well honestly I think because of the active foundation team and their daily events that happen all day. I also think they should join because of the awesome points system. I also think they should join to gain rank points to rank up quicker than any other agency would give promotions but they need to be aware of the 15 minute rule for the arrows.

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