[DOC] Why should you join UN?

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[DOC] Why should you join UN?

          The United Nations is a very friendly agency which allows you to wear whatever you want and be whoever you want to be, as well as you can get paid 10c-50c daily! Our agency is really different from the other agencies and has a unique system, such as the pay/rank system. Here on the UN we have two points, Rank points, and Pay points. Rank points promotes you, and Pay points pay you. When you collect 10,000 Pay points then you can get paid 10c. A lot of the other agencies out there have a pay time, which really sucks, because you could miss the pay time and never get paid, but here in the United Nations there is NO PAY TIME! You can get paid whenever you want(Of course if you have 10,000 Pay Points). Here in the United Nations you can increase your rank points double the time when joining a Special Unit, our special units are: Department of Events, Department of Suggestions, Department of Community, Department of Forums, and Department of Departments. How can you get rank points from joining a special unit you may ask? Well in every special unit you are to do special tasks which will reward you with rank points. This might help a lot of people to increase their rank points easily. This makes the UN really unique and the best agency out there in Habbo Hotel.


-OfficialTractic AKA Abdul

Why should you join UN

To be honest, I think the system in place in UN is fair and it teaches us how to work hard for stuff that we want. 
So simply put it, whatever rank or pay you want is dependent on the amount of work you are willing to do.

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