[DOF] 3 Simple Ways To Improve

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[DOF] 3 Simple Ways To Improve

3 Simple Ways To Improve
by: Lavanders_blue


"Beauty attracts the eyes, but personality captures the heart" ~ Anonymous


I have always believed that no matter how beautiful or gorgeous of a hunk you are, if you are rude and unappealing to the mind then you are just one of the crowd.  For me, what stands out is a person's personality, character; some say some are born with it and some are not, probably because of genetics. Here are three (3) ways to improve: READ, LISTEN and ASK QUESTIONS.

Have you ever stopped to think how much you can gain just by reading alone?  When you read, you gain information, when you gain information, you gain knowledge, when you gain knowledge you can easily participate in discussions in school, your community, at work, and with peers.

Just by really listening to the person in front of you, or the one you are having a conversation with, you can pick up pieces of information about them, what they like, what ticks them off, what motivates them and a whole lot of things.  Unfortunately, oftentimes, we listen to reply, not to understand what was said.  More often than not, the most pleasant interviews are not from the ones who came prepared with a number of pre-thought questions written on cards; but rather from those who asked a single question to start the interview and then listened to the interviewee's reply and then formulated follow up questions.  

By merely asking a question or researching about something the first time you heard it, increases your knowledge.  When I was in first grade, my English teacher introduced us to her best friend; the dictionary.  In it you will find every word you need to know.  She taught us that if we come across a word for the first time, we need to look it up in the dictionary to know what it means; and therefore be able to use it in our sentences as the need arises.  Some people shy away from asking questions, fearing to look stupid or uneducated; but would it not be better to ask so as to learn rather than pretend to know and risk screwing things up?

When you have knowledge about a wide variety of things, you become confident in joining discussions, meetings.  You attract more people towards you. Over time, your opinion would be sought after and valued. 

So grab a book and read, listen with a purpose to understand and ask questions when you do not know.
Knowledge is your friend.

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