[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Happiness Rituals per Neuroscience

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[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Happiness Rituals per Neuroscience

During one of my many low moments, I chanced upon this article entitled: "Neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy."

1.  The most important question to ask when you feel down; "what am I grateful for?" Gratitude makes the brain happy. It creates a positive feedback loop in relationships, so express that gratitude to the people you care about.

2.  Label negative feelings. Suppressing emotions doesn't work and can backfire on you.

3.  Make the decision, make a good enough decision. Your brain feels you have control when you make good enough decisions.

4. Touch people, give long hugs. Research show getting five hugs a day for 4 weeks increases happiness.

Bottomline is, happiness is a choice.

I know it is easier said than done, but you have to choose to be happy.  I understand everyone has his/her own problems and it is completely natural to feel down, lonely and alone; and it's normal to want to be alone, but sooner or later you have to face the fact that life continues and we just have to collect our shattered pieces, pick ourselves up and decide to start doing something, and it usually starts with the decision to be happy despite the problems, the negativity, the chaos. 

Choose to be happy.

I know I did, and I am thankful I did.

This is so true! I'm very

This is so true! I'm very glad that you choose to be happy :D

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