[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Validation and Why Its Important

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[DOF] Advice and Second Opinion: Validation and Why Its Important

Everyone needs validation at some point in their lives, some people need it more frequently then others. But it's still pretty important. Just as validation itself is important, it's important that you recieve it from the right person, as well as the right type. It's obvious but the best type of validation is positive. You want validation that makes you feel good about yourself, and not doubt or question it the second after. Or validation you're comfortable with, no one wants validation that's going to make them feel uncomfortable. Secondly, just as you want validation that makes you feel comfortable, you want validation from a person that makes you feel comfortable. 

As a person who needs and recieves constant validation I've expierenced the different kinds of validation and and I know what I like, this is just advice that I offer to you. :D



Nice piece 

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