[DOF] Advice and Second Opinions: Summer Programmes

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[DOF] Advice and Second Opinions: Summer Programmes

In this thread, I will simply be discussing about summer programmes. I know for many they don’t and won’t like sacrificing their summer to take part in a school/education programme that will consist of most probably more education when they can just stay at home and enjoy worrying about nothing. I know I would have too although saying this I have participated in summer programmes and will be soon again. While I was in college, I took part in this summer university which was a 3 weeks’ programme within our summer to experience university life. It consisted of different subjects that we would like to try out as taster where we will have lectures (like normally) and assignment as well as presentation to submit and perform. Despite the hardship to do assignments and prepare to present which I never really knew when I signed up for it, I really did enjoy my time. The programme provided accommodation too and each week within the three weeks we were able to spend it in different university/campuses. In addition to this, there were activities in the evening that they came up with such as cinema night or game night or laser tag etc. In my opinion, it has been one of the best moments in my life that I truly enjoy and miss. Also, it was not just the fun that I had and the friends I made there; it has also been the opportunity to experience what university is really like plus a great addition when I applied for university (which I believed greatly helped me as to how I got in because it shows that you’re willing to give your time and expand your knowledge for your own learning). Sure, being accepted is not as simple and there are so many more applicants but it’s worth to just try to apply and see when it comes to opportunities.

I have actually applied once again for another summer programme although this time because it crashes with my placement for university I will need to make back some time in my summer holiday but I also think of how it’s such a great opportunity. This opportunity won’t come again in terms of me expanding my learning as a student and travelling to another country to learn what they’ve got there in offer and for me to experience first-hand. I believe that it is through summer programmes where you do get to meet great friends that will stay with you longer. I received an email of successful application for the summer programme from my university, it is limited spaces but I have just found out that I am going to China which is a long way from UK for two weeks. Despite the accommodation being free, flights and expenses are not which is pretty daunting and it’s not all that cheap either. In addition to this, it’s a country which I don’t know the language of at all and it’s not a holiday but educational purpose for two whole weeks. Nevertheless, I feel like it would be killing two birds with one stone with my passion for travelling plus it’s educational which I can add in my CV after so it’s a win-win for me in the end.

What about you? What do you think about summer programmes? Have you taken part in one before, and if not, will you consider it? Comment down your thoughts and opinions below, as well as experiences if you’ve got any!


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