[DOF] Advice and Second Opinions: Tips

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[DOF] Advice and Second Opinions: Tips





While we are in Community Meeting, I think it's an opportunity to ask some owners about how do they handle things in life and in habbo especially they have the hardest role in UN as Owner. It's really hard to handle those things especially if you're working in real life and you need to check and manage UN everyday. I asked PurpleA2 first and this is her answer:


PurpleA2: I have an amazing team the help and support me and Cindii. taught me alot. Best this is having a team that helps and supports me.



.Tiing.: Well I normally have to plan my schedule around to do things and list out everything I need to do. Also, I'm not the leader of all departments, just unit director. So yeah the task I have to do as well I make sure they're completed on time and just plan around them.



For me planning, time managemet and friends really helps alot to make everything fine. Before you do you should plan first then check times if you have conflict then set a time or day that you're free plus helping and supportive friends = Job Well done. 

How about you? What's your opinion to this topic? What can you say? Feel free to comment your opinion below :)

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