[DOF] Advice & Second Opinions: Back to School

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[DOF] Advice & Second Opinions: Back to School



Back to School 


The holidays are over, and school will once again resume. To some, it has already begun during the first week of January; to others, it hasn’t. Yet. School can be momentous to others, but miserable to some. Thus, the purpose of this article is to inform our dear UN members on how to survive school for it can be difficult, from papers due, assignments, projects, lab reports, exams, you name it. As students, it is our responsibility to do our school-related tasks before it is due, but we also have some things in life that matters aside from school--work, friends, family, etc.--and sometimes the two can overlap, making one’s life arduous and would also make one’s school life stressful. Choosing one would mean neglecting the other; choosing both can be exhausting. So, what should one do? 

Time Management. 

Of course, you won’t be able to balance everything for they are bound to overlap. Except if you know how to manage everything. So, what you should do is to learn how to manage a neatly schedule for everything. If you plan to hang out with friends, then do so when you’re free, not when you have a paper to submit in the next day or two. Learning how to manage your time can be pivotal and it would help you in the long-run. 


Just because you have managed a schedule for your everyday tasks does not mean you’re not going to break one or two; you are bound to. It goes down to one’s discipline. Some of you might be tempted to ditch your chores and play videogames or hang out with your friends, neglecting one measly task since it’s just “chores” or whatever the case may be. WRONG. The purpose of your schedule is to do the tasks written in that schedule for your day to go past smoothly, not to delay one task. If you do decide to delay, or even abandon your scheduled task, it would only pile up and make it hard for you to manage. Not to mention, it’s extremely addictive, so behave. 

Personal Judgement. 

Despite these, it all comes down to what you believe matters MOST; how you manage your time, how you prepare for things, and how you commit to your schedule, since unexpected things might occur from time to time, making you either neglect or delay a few tasks, to which can be brutal specially during crucial times. Thus, to conclude this article, everything lies to how you decide. 

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