[DOF] Articles & Newsletter: Training

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[DOF] Articles & Newsletter: Training

I love training.

That is the simplest thing I can ever say about Training.

In real life, I've low keyed participated in training activities as a facilitator or as an assistant and I must admit the fulfillment I get from seeing people gaining more understanding to a specific topic or learning something new all together is beyond words.

So when I first played habbo I was glad to know that agencies have Training / Trainer Division/Unit.  It is a validation that everywhere you go there is a need for learning and a need for someone to teach.

Honestly, I do not understand why people in almost all agencies would rather not train.  I have asked quite a few members from all 4 agencies I have worked and now currently work for why so and they'd either say:

It is boring to just sit there.  Hello!!! Isn't it more boring to just sit in base waiting for your arrow doing nothing than actually training someone?

It is hard. Really? Can you please explain to me why training is so hard?  It is the easiest thing. Come to think of it, it is easier to train a Trainee than to FTF, why?, because at FTF you have to check for badges from other agencies, you have to get them to join the badge, you need to get them to write the correct motto and let's face it some are just really not that quick to pick up on instructions. More so, sometimes potential trainees ask so many questions, like how much is pay, when is paytime, how will they get promoted and all that stuff, and if you realize you're almost doing help desk function to be able to answer all these stuff or at least know basic information. C'mon, it isn't that hard, you just have to copy paste the script.

I am using a mobile phone. For those of you who know me you'd probably guess what I can say about this excuse.  Yea, it is a lazy excuse. If you really want to train, you'd find some way to train even if you're on mobile.  And you're going to ask me how does one do that. Well, if you're still a newbie trainer, you can print it out and then type it like how you do during convos. Or if you're a more advanced trainer you can conduct training using your own words, without forgetting the essential parts of the original script. What I am saying is: if there's a will, there's a way.

It is just not my thing.  To be completely honest, I find that excuse the most straight forward of all.  They just don't want to train period.  BUT because there is an arrow they go sit.  It is funny though, I have witnessed a couple of members who were sitting in Training, possibly waiting for the arrow which was currently at security that time; but then all of a sudden a  Trainee gets teleported in and I was in Training too, waiting if this person next to me, who was there before me, would say something hinting their willingness to train, instead they walked out and went to FTF.  Clearly, they do not want to train.

So what does the UN do about it? They introduce the new recruiters program.  To find out more about it, please read my other thread [DOF] Articles & Newsletter: Recruiters' Program.

To all the trainers out there, break a leg guys. *pats back for a job well done*



I am glad someone talked about it finally. This issue may probably be even worst in UN since people follow arrows (unlike agencies that pay based on paytime, so you can just go to any seat whenever you want and still get paid the same amount). So if the arrow is not near training(like for instance it just passed trn area), no one goes there even if theres a trainee. 

Training is the way we get new members to join UN, and I personally feel it should go beyond just reading the TRN script, and get the trainee to pass the quiz. Almost all the time, new trainees/agents have 0 idea how to claim a reward. IF the trainer can guide a new agent in claiming his first reward(like check which room is empty/accompany him to his first reward room, or get someone to help at least), this will help alot in keeping new agents interested in UN. Since our system is a little bit complex at the start, and only gets very intuitive  after you figured it out.

But then our arrow system does not really encourage that, because time spent helping an agent doing all that could be time spent getting an arrow. I am guilty of that too. Well at the beginning i was pretty enthusiastic about helping new trainees(help them claim their first reward, check which room is empty etc), but it died down eventually because lets be honest, lack of incentive=lack of enthusiasm(which is probably why you can see many people being unwilling to train). And i thought the recruiters program was inactive for a long while already? I remember asking about it like a month ago and people told me that it is not active...Not sure about that…

Anyway just a small thought on training on mobile! I have trained many people using mobile before since i could remember the script in my own words, but i will say its actually really taxing on the eyes to do so. Due to the amount of typing required(the text is very small on mobile), and answering and reading the questions of new agents. So i can probably understand why some people doesnt want to train on mobile, its actually really tiring to do so. Though not impossible.


Just to add a remark

I dont think i am someone who enjoys training people/someone who volunteers to train. I am just providing a perspective from someone who plays the game in a practical point of view. Basically someone who gets incentivise by credits. 

As well as my perspective of what i think training should be like, but i personally dont follow it all the time due to lack of incentives :D

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