[DOF] Discussion: Are HC and Non-HC Habbos Treated Differently From Their Peers?

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[DOF] Discussion: Are HC and Non-HC Habbos Treated Differently From Their Peers?

In the real world, there are people from all walks of life. But on Habbo Hotel, we are all just seen as mere avatars - no one really knows us until we tell about ourselves to others. And most of our first impression is by the way we look and speak, similar to real life yet very much different.

In UN, there are members who have Habbo Club (HC) membership and also a good handful who don’t - basically the ones who can dress in fancy outfits and the ones that seemed to be stuck in 2006 with the “Norm” look. 

I am the latter. Not because I can’t afford HC membership, but rather because I felt that the days where Norms were seen differently by HC/VIP* Club members were long gone; and also because I felt emotionally attached to the Norm clothings, for me they were the pioneers of the Habbo Hotel Fashion. 

In the past, having being both a VIP and Norm Habbo for a significant amount of time, I observed that being a VIP had an advantage in several situations in Habbo Hotel. And here's a couple of them:

Image result for habbo casinos

Having dabbled in the arcades of Habbo Hotel then, what I noticed was that HC/VIP Habbos, as game dealers, were usually more trusted and preferred by Arcade Gamers than the norms, seeing how HC/VIP membership usually signifies higher wealth and a more permanent account and thus less likely to be scammers.

Another instance were the HC/VIPs-only Clubs. Opened by HC/VIPs themselves, the party clubs strictly only allow HC or VIP members into it, leaving the norms out from the party intentionally. The curious young me back then, in turn, spent 60c for a 3-month VIP membership only to go into a room that served lesser drinks than the current UN base itself offers.

But how about now? Do you still feel that the being a HC and Non-HC still matters socially? And does it still pose a social friction in the Habbo, or more specifically, UN community? Or has it changed much for the better? 

Share us your opinions with the answers to the questions below!

1. Why did you get or not get HC membership?

2. Do you feel that HC and Non-HCs are treated differently by peers in UN, even if not intentionally?

3. Have you ever felt the need to buy HC membership due to social pressures?


My feelings on this.

When I first started playing Habbo years and years ago I never really wanted to buy HC, being broke and young. I was in an old agency and a Habbo friend I made back then got me HC as a gift, and I never looked back. When I would come back to Habbo I would get HC, cause it was comfortable and because I could afford it. But there is definitely a divide between HC and non-HC users. I even see that in my own traversing of Habbo. I'm a lot less likely to reply to a Non-HC user than I am to an HC user. All my Habbo friends use HC or at least own clothes that have to be bought using credits. Saying all that, I have never felt pressure to have HC, I don't think I've ever been bullied for not having HC, but I have noticed while on bans, some UN members will make fun of their ALTs for not having HC and even when I had to use an ALT, I pressured myself into getting HC for an ALT account I was only going to use for a couple days. I think in some ways if you choose to use HC, it becomes part of your identity, it's how people can recognize you on the platform. Oh look, there's so-n-so who always has bright yellow hair and an HC skirt. But if we were to all strip ourselves of our HC clothing, hair, and accessories, it would be much more difficult to recognise each other.
I would love to one day see some of the HC fashion we have now, passed down to free status for Non-HC users, but for now I think I'll keep using HC.

my turnnnn

i definetly think that non-hcs are treated differently. i myself am i non-hc but i have bought clothing w credits. i feel that one shouldn't spend money on a game, there is no reason for HC in my opinion. i know its for Habbo to gain money but..

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