[DOF] Do you have a pet?

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[DOF] Do you have a pet?


At the beginning of January I decided I wanted a small pet again, and this time we decided on fish ! I have 3 zebra danios, and 3 swordfish. I also have a chinese sucking loach. Currently we have named the sucking loach as Sucky , and the sword tails, Tiger and Goldie.

Do you have any pets? Feel free to post a picture of them too !


I have 3 Dogs

I have 3 dogs, 1 Labrador named Ogie or oggie, 1 Female Half Shi Htzu named Shamsey and 1 Pure Female Shi Htzu named Fiona. My favorite dog was the Labrador, he always go with me anywhere even buying food for my dogs he wants to go out too. He's sleeping at my bedroom but not in bed, he kisses me in morning. When I wake up he wake up too and when I eat, he's at my side so I give him some food. We call Oggie in many names hahahaha but he knows it, he hates bath hahaha do he hide when we say the word "bath". 

Lol awww thats so sweet :) i

Lol awww thats so sweet :) i sued to have a dog, i love the breeds

woops, that was supposed to

woops, that was supposed to be used lol


We used to have a husky and her name was Sushi. I don't know why they called her like that. She's a cheerful one and used to play with people. 

Awww huskys are lovely dogs

Awww huskys are lovely dogs :D and an interesting name too <3


I have one doggo, he's stoopid but he's fine. He just turned a year old last October. :> I actually don't know what his breed is 'cause he's mixed with lots of them, but I see a bit of a terrier in him. His name is Morty, it was from a Show in netflix Rick and Morty. It's fun to have pets especially when you're alone and you need company. They're there to comfort you. :)

happy birthday to your dog :D

happy birthday to your dog :D LOL yes i love terrier breeds :) i had a jack russel dog crossed with something but we are not sure what... you are right, pets are lovely to have as company

Pictures of my pets

I have 2 cats. I love them to death. The oldest one is a male shorthair tuxedo cat and his name is Tyson. He is currently 5 but not long to be 6. The reason why he is a tuxedo cat is because his fur looks as if he is wearing one. Google it, check it out! Tyson's birthday is 4th April.

The youngest and last but least is a female, she is a bengal cat meaning her fur has leopard looking spots on it. Her name is Paige, she is currently 1 year old, nearly 2! Her birthday is 1st May.

Here's a picture of my 2 cats.


The pets I wish I had.

Dog (pug)
Guinea Pig

The list could actually go on and on!

oh my gosh nickyla... your

oh my gosh nickyla... your cats are so adorable !!

i agree i love pugs and ferrets... ive had guinea pigs and fish... not sure what a serval is LOL

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