[DOF] Entertainment: Laughter Is The Best Medicine

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[DOF] Entertainment: Laughter Is The Best Medicine



They say, "Laughter is the best medicine". Well 'They' are right.

Why is laughter the best medicine? Laughter can heal physical and emotional pain. I found out that it releases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease, then it releases endorphins (the body's feel good chemical). So, that's why everytime after we laugh we get this really happy feeling. Pretty cool, huh? Laughter can help us through hard times like, depression, stress, anger and anxiety.

I, myself, have been through so much this year and I realized my one and only source of laughter through hard times is my sister! I couldn't ask for a better one. She gives amazing advice, entertains us with her jokes and a variety of stories with life lessons and funny moments, she loves to dance and likes teaching us what is right or wrong.

I couldn't forget about comedy movies like, This is the End, Shaun of the Dead, Anchorman, The Hangover, Deadpool and so much more.

I also love stand-up comedians, like, Kevin Hart, Bo Burnham and John Mulaney. I love the concept of some comedians that they laugh at their own pain. Maybe some of them make it up but who knows if it's real because they turn it into jokes.

Here are links for Kevin Hart and Bo Burnham shows that you can watch:

Kevin Harthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiOwEpY7dcE&t=1186s

Bo Burnham:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_x4_QrMcm8


I can't live without laughter. I would probably die instead of living in world full of crap. When I get irritated by someone, I had a bad day, remembered something from my past or downright unhappy, I just deal with it, laugh at it and let it go. That's the funny thing what laughter can do! See what I just did right there...

How about you?

Who/What is your souce of laughter? Do you like comedy as well? Do you like comedy movies? What is your favorite comedy movie? Do you like stand-up comedians? Who is your favorite comedian?

Comment your answers below.

Thanks for reading really appreciate it!


Hey! I must agree that

Hey! I must agree that laughter is indeed the best medicine! My source of light and happiness are my friends (blessed with those kind who are really like clowns and comedians), also my sisters (our bondings and the small things they do to make me laugh which I appreciate most) and of course, God (attending mass, and reading Bible verses). I also get to watch cartoons and a few comedy movies, but I'm more of a K-Drama and K-Pop fan (though I had to take a break), so K-Idols fall under my favorites hehe

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