Hello to all you wonderful and gorgeous people of UN.
I hope everyone had a relaxing, restful weekend.
It's Monday once again, which means .... I have to get on my threads started.
So I thought, maybe I can start a once-in-a-month thread called Listen & Learn to be posted every last week of the month. The goal is for members to learn more things about a co-UN member (anyone from Agent to Founder). So for this month of July, I have had the honor of interviewing our newest Main Owner, PurpleA2.
Won't you come, Listen & Learn more about her (Ooohhh get some popcorn :D).
LB: How are you today?
P: I am good,thank you for interviewing me
LB: Are you happy at the moment and what makes you happy?
P: Yes. Hhmmm, there's alot of things that make me happy
LB: Name two (2) things that make purple happy
P: Slurpee and being around the members in UN
LB: What slurpee flavor?
P: I mean the slurpees in UN :P
LB: Ohh, the verb not the noun.
P: Pretty much. :)
LB: How does it feel being Main Owner now?
P: Idk, I still feel the same as if I was a normal owner, but there are more responsibilities.
LB: You feel pressured about having "more responsibilities"?
P: Not really pressured, just more conscious and hesitant about making decisions, but I guess as I continue I'll become
more confident.
LB: What type of owner is purple?
P: I'm not sure, you'll have to ask the members about that one :) I know I've been given the lazy owner title or the mean
owner, but I dont' think I'm just one (1) type. I can be strict if I need to be, I like to give members a chance before
being strict with them.
LB: How much of real life purple's personality is purple on habbo/UN ?
P: Most of it, although I think I am more confident on habbo than I am in real life.
LB: Follow up on that, are you saying that you believe whatever personality traits you show on habbo is a reflection of who
you are in real life?
P: Mostly, yeah.
LB: What ticks purple off, like what angers you?
P: When people are rude to others, that's one thing.
LB: Okay, define what is being rude, like how rude ?
P: Swearing, calling names, giving attitude, ignoring them.
LB: How about those who annoy others ?
P: If they are intentionally doing it just to tick the others off or get a reaction, yeah.
LB: So, like provoking?
P: Yep.
LB: What do you do about it if you see someone from UN doing it ?
P: It depends on the situation, each situation is different. I try and tell them to stop and warn them that I'll mute them
if they don't or I just mute them for two (2) minutes if I know they won't stop and then warn them during their mute;
there are other consequences based on the situation.
LB: If you can change anything about UN, without the need for scotty/bsmoke/cindy's approval what would it be?
P: I want a cannon in UN, only because cannons are one of my favorite objects, maybe also have a day where members can
drop their pets in UN.
LB: The cannon will be a decoration or a slurpee kind of thing?
P: Both, cannons are fun to use on trolls. Slurpees are fun to use on them as well :)
LB: In the next three months, what's happening in UN; rank sale? ....
P: Any major changes are a surprise, can't tell you that now, but yea the rank sale is one.
LB: What would you like to tell scotty and cindy?
P: They have built an amazing agency and I am happy to be part of UN I hope I can make them proud while continuing to
grow and develop UN
LB: This part is called QQ or Quick Questions. I'll give you a quick question and you give me a quick reply, like what comes
first to your mind. Ready?
P: Ready.
LB: Tea or coffee
P: Neither
LB: Day or night
P: Night
LB: Summer or spring
P: Neither (winter)
LB: Christmas or valentines
P: Christmas
LB: Lights on or off
P: Lights off
LB: Book version or movie version
P: Movie version
LB: Cinema or netflix
P: Oooo definitely cinema
LB: Popcorn Flavor
P: Plain salted, it's the only flavor in the cinema
LB: Drinks to go with popcorn
P: Sprite or coke
LB: Age to marry
P: 25-30
LB: Number of kids
P: Haven't thought of that, I just want twins.
LB: Last question, Purple or Lavender?
P: Purple ;D
Ofcourse, I had to get a "photo-op".
I had fun doing this interview with Purple, thank you very much for doing this with me
im a twin ???