[DOF] Entertainmet: Dream Furni/Clothings etc. . .

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[DOF] Entertainmet: Dream Furni/Clothings etc. . .



What is your Dream Furni or Clothings in habbo, same in real life? We always dream of something but would you spend all of your money for your dream or save the money for future? 


For me, Money is important for our daily life, we always use money but what is money if you're not happy. Just like a story of a Rich Prince, he got almost everything and his father provide what he needs but not what he wanted because the prince wanted to go outside of the castle and visit their neighborhood and it makes the prince happy. One day the prince got sick and his faher called a doctor but the doctor can't cure his illness. The prince wished to his father to bring him outside the castle to see their neighborhood and nature, the prince becomes okay.

"No Doctor Can Cure Sorrow"


So for me, I'd rather buy what I wanted if that makes me happy than save money for what? Sometimes what we want is important than what we need for some reason. In habbo, I only dream to buy clothings and what I dream is:

1. Gold Accessory Pack v1, v2 and v3


Image result for gold accessory pack v1








2. Noble Crown

Noble Crown
Clothing noblecrown.png

Be regal. Give orders.



3. Oversized Scarf


 from www.habbobites.com


How about you, what was your dream furni or clothings in habbo? What are your dreams in real life? Comment down below your opinion to this thread or topic :)

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