[DOF] Getting Back into Things

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[DOF] Getting Back into Things

As you may or may not know, I recently took a long break from UN and Habbo in general. I was on LOA for about 3 months, from December until this month. I think my reasons are a bit too personal to share in depth, but don’t worry, I’m in good health and so are my family and my friends. I’m very excited to be back at UN and working in DOE for the first time and of course returning back to DOF. I have really found a deep enjoyment in DOF, and it was one of the things I missed most on my break. I hope to learn in the near future how to manage my time better so I can be available to UN without feeling drained or bored. I’m going to start taking breaks during the day, and restricting my time in UN in general once I get back into the swing of things and get my RP where I’m comfortable with it. I hope you don’t mind this boring post for my first one since returning, and understand my reasons! My goal with my career in DOF is to create and post poems and short stories, as that is what I love to do most. I’m excited for you all to see what I have in store, and I hope you’re excited to see my content too!

Getting back into UN hasn't been easy, but it isn't overwhelming or stressful! The only issue I'm having is not knowing how much time I should spend in base. I shouldn't spend all night in base, but since my return, I have been! I'm sure I'll resolve this as time goes on, but tips for managing my time better would be appreciated! Since I've graduated from school and don't have a job yet, I spend most, if not all of my time at UN. I do have hobbies and things I enjoy, but sometimes I feel obligated to be in base so I can help out. If anyone else has struggled with this and has advice or tips, like I said, I would really appreciate it if you messaged me on Discord (myxnsoo#0125) or Habbo (MyxnSoo)!

Do you have any thoughts on what kinds of stories or poems I should post? Please leave your ideas below!

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