[DOF] Habboween!

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[DOF] Habboween!

Halloween is one of the most anticipated event in the whole year. Kids (and adults) get the chance to dress up as their favorite horror movie character, book character, or anything out of the box! Moreover, kids enjoy the treats (or tricks) they get from their neighbors and/or friends. Oh! The feeling of having sweets before Christmas, what a feast! The sugar rush you get from the candies and chocolates you get, the numerous suspense, thriller, and horror movie showing, and of course, a time to visit our relatives and to pray for them.

We don't usually dress up in our horror costumes. In my village, people are encouraged to dress up as their favorite saints and/or holy persons, in commemoration with the All Saints' Day. So what's your tradition?

Feel free to comment down below your favorite costumes and answer today's questions:


1. Bats or Wolves?

2. Witches or Ghosts?

3. Dolls or Clowns?

4. Movies with a Killer or Movies with a Ghost?

5. Haunted House or Graveyard?

6. Zombies or Monsters?

7. Cockroaches or Spiders?

8. Vampires or Werewolves?

9. Coraline or Monster House?

10. Seen-zoned or Inbox-zoned?


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Lastly, do you want a Trick or Treat?

Special Treat! Comment your answers and receive a bonus 500 RP. Happy Habboween United Nations!






1. Bats or Wolves?Bats scare me because sometimes they just fly out of nowhere!


2. Witches or Ghosts?Ghosts are scarier!


3. Dolls or Clowns? Dolls creep me out!


4. Movies with a Killer or Movies with a Ghost? Definitely the killer, the make me scream whenever they go near the protagonist!


5. Haunted House or Graveyard? A haunted house


6. Zombies or Monsters? ZOMBIES EAT BRAINSSSS!


7. Cockroaches or Spiders? FLYING COCKROACHES! Yuck!


8. Vampires or Werewolves? Werewolves, they could devour my flesh...


9. Coraline or Monster House? Coraline was definitely the horror movie of my childhood.

10. Seen-zoned or Inbox-zoned?  Seen-zoned </3










1. Bats or Wolves? Wolves 

2. Witches or Ghosts? Ghosts

3. Dolls or Clowns? Dolls

4. Movies with a Killer or Movies with a Ghost? Ghost

5. Haunted House or Graveyard? Graveyard

6. Zombies or Monsters? Zombies

7. Cockroaches or Spiders? Spiders

8. Vampires or Werewolves? Werewolves

9. Coraline or Monster House? Coraline

10. Seen-zoned or Inbox-zoned? Seen-zoned


I'd like a treat ofc <3




1. Bats or Wolves? wolves

1. Bats or Wolves? wolves

2. Witches or Ghosts? ghost

3. Dolls or Clowns? clowns

4. Movies with a Killer or Movies with a Ghost? ghost

5. Haunted House or Graveyard? graveyard

6. Zombies or Monsters? zombies

7. Cockroaches or Spiders? cockroaches

8. Vampires or Werewolves? werewolves

9. Coraline or Monster House? coraline

10. Seen-zoned or Inbox-zoned? seen-zoned


Le answers

1. Bats

2. Ghosts

3. Dolls

4. Movies with a Killer

5. Graveyard

6. Zombies

7. Spiders

8. Vampires

9. Coraline

10. Seen-zoned

1. Bats or Wolves? Wolves

1. Bats or Wolves? Wolves

2. Witches or Ghosts? Ghosts

3. Dolls or Clowns? Dolls

4. Movies with a Killer or movies with a Ghost? Both xD

5. Haunted house or Graveyard? graveyard

6. Zombies or Monsters? Monsters

7. Cockroaches or spiders? cockroaches

8. Vampire or Werewolves? Vampire

9. Coraline or Monster house? Monster House

10. Seen-zoned or Inbox-zoned? both

Treats please!

What scares me the most :O

1. Wolves!

2. Ghosts

3. Really depends.. but mostly doll.

4. Movies with ghosts



7. Spiders

8. Vampire

9. I havent watched both. but id go for Coraline

10. BOTH.


~LoveGunKitty <3

What Scares me the most !

1. Bats or Wolves? Wolves

2. Witches or Ghosts? Ghosts

3. Dolls or Clowns? Dolls

4. Movies with a Killer or Movies with a Ghost? Movies with a ghost

5. Haunted House or Graveyard? Graveyard

6. Zombies or Monsters? Monsters

7. Cockroaches or Spiders? Cockroaches

8. Vampires or Werewolves? Werewolves

9. Coraline or Monster House? Coraline 

10. Seen-zoned or Inbox-zoned? Both


I would like treats ;)



1. Bats or Wolves? Wolves

2. Witches or Ghosts? Ghosts

3. Dolls or Clowns? Dolls

4. Movies with a Killer or Movies with a Ghost? Movies with a Ghost

5. Haunted House or Graveyard? Haunted House

6. Zombies or Monsters? Monsters

7. Cockroaches or Spiders? Spiders

8. Vampires or Werewolves? Werewolves

9. Coraline or Monster House? Coraline

10. Seen-zoned or Inbox-zoned? Inbox-zoned

Gimme that sweet 500RP please! :D

1. Bats or Wolves? wolves

1. Bats or Wolves? wolves

2. Witches or Ghosts? witches

3. Dolls or Clowns? clowns

4. Movies with a Killer or Movies with a Ghost? ghost

5. Haunted House or Graveyard? graveyard

6. Zombies or Monsters? zombies

7. Cockroaches or Spiders? spiders

8. Vampires or Werewolves? werewolves

9. Coraline or Monster House? monster house

10. Seen-zoned or Inbox-zoned? seenzoned for definite 

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