[DOF] League of Legends o:

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[DOF] League of Legends o:

By reading this, I am guessing you are either very interested in learning what this game that most people in UN play when afk, or you are just wanting something to read while you claim your arrows! 

If you haven't heard about it already, League of Legends is one of the most popular online games at the moment, with 27 milllion people playing the game on a daily basis {1} - with the latest world championship finals being held in the Birds Nest, an olympic site in China. 

So, whats all the fuss about? 


Being one of these 27 million, I play it for the sense of teamwork and teamplay in being able to co-ordinate a plethora of tactics and information with just a simple 'ping' in-game, or through the use of social mediums such as Discord/Skype, strangers become a strategic team that dominate all others to -cue the music- be the very best, like no one ever was...


For those who don't know what this is, I'll break it down for you:

League of Legends has 3 main maps in which players can compete against each other:



 The typical and championship playing map, 5v5, consisting of a "Top", "Mid", "ADC", "Support" and a "Jungler" role. The main goal here is to reach the enemies "Nexus" first [reach core of base] and destroy it. Matches can be as short as 25mins to 60mins+ depending on how you and your team perform. When people talk about League or "LoL", this is the map and game mode they refer to most of the time. 


Twisted Treeline 

This the second map on League of Legends, consisting of 3v3 - it's a lot more "map aware" as there are no warding trinkers - items in-game that help you establish vision on the map - so this is not as popular as Summoners rift. This, like Summoners, has it's own rank tier structure so if you prefer a smaller team and co-ordinating small skirmishes - this would be the game mode for you!


ARAM [All Random All Mid] 


As the name suggests, this is all random and on one lane - so it's a pure fight to the death. No warding, no objectives bar the turrets that sttand between your team of 5 and the enemies nexus. These games are really quick and fast paced, so one for the more high pressure kinda person! 


I hope you have enjoyed this brief introduction to League of Legends, wanna play with some UN members? 

I and a few others play on the NA server, so create an account and "see you on the rift" 












https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/01/27/riots-league-of-legen... {1}

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