[DOF] Poetic Friday?

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[DOF] Poetic Friday?

So, I am very sorry for making this thread so late, it is not because I forgot Poetic Friday but I havnt been feeling well so I havnt been on at all.

The poem this week is called "The Deadliest Weapon" it is the strengh of a human mind, I wrote it because I was thinking about all the war going on in the world.

As a pacifist I believe most things can be talked about, and to me the human mind is stronger than any weapon, enjoy.


The deadliest weapon.

Written by: Gamal ( Badr56)

It has brought many men to their knees.
Because it's power is unstoppable.
It has the power to bring destruction but in the right hands it brings peace.
Like a fully armored tank it can ram through any obstacle.
Many has sought out its power but few has mastered it.
It is the key to any victorious battle.
The strongest soldiers are useless to its power and has to submit.
Any enemy must admit that to its power they are fragile.
It is used for greater good or for evil beyond understanding.
It can be used by any man woman or child.
If you do not possess it then it will be too much for you to be handling.
It can tame any animal no matter how wild.
We all possess it's powers but only a few know how to use it correctly.
It can make any seeing man go blind.
There are no weapon known to be this dealy.
As the force of the human mind.


Leave your comments bellow, let me know what you thought about the poem.

Was it too realistic?

Would you guys prefer love poem?

Do you have a poem you would like me to post next week?



I love reading poetry. I must admit tho, my poetry is mostly based on love But I do have a few about everyday stuff. Like that time I had to wait for 8hrs for a doctor’s appointment; I ended up making a poem about how that day began and ended.

Nice read. can’t wait for next Friday.

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