[DOF] Question and Surveys

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[DOF] Question and Surveys

Hello, XDChillax again for another weekly Question and Survey. Today I have interviewed some of our members about "Why did you choose United Nations to work at?" I interviewed Mrs.Anita1989, megakaylafu and Mrlfrnz:


Mrs. Anita1989: Friendly staff and there was no time deadline to be on or not.

Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/hpeazm


megakaylafu (KC): Its a very laid back agency that treats all members fairly regardless of rank.

Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/hpebeu


Mrlfrnz: 'Cause my Friends recommend this agency to me.

Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/hpebpz


In my own opinion, I choose United Nations because: 1st, I like the fair system and how it relate to real job which your pay is depend on how hard you work as well as your rank. 2nd, No paytime to wait. 3rd, No uniforms required. 4th, Friendly Staffs and 5th, Professional Attitude. How about your opinion, why do you choose United Nations to work at? Let us know what's on your mind :)

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