[DOF] Question and Surveys: How do you feel for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Peoples?

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[DOF] Question and Surveys: How do you feel for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender Peoples?




Just one question, how do you feel for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Peoples? Do you give them equality? For me, I feel the same for LGBT people, other peoples and my friends. We should treat them like a normal person not a pest in society why? Because they're not criminals, criminals are pest in society not peoples who just have different gender. Criminals steals money, killing peoples and any bad doings. LGBT peoples work to give money to their parents or for their future, to become successful person in future which is "everyone's" dream, so why treat LGBT peoples like they do not belong in society while they're just doing the same what we're doing and dreaming of. We should give them Equal Treat as they treat and respect us equally, what if one of your friend is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender how would you treat him/her or them? Does Gender affects your brain and the way you think? What's the difference if we all live in a life in a one world with full of challenges and dreams? Treat them like how you treat yourself, its not all about gender its about how you respect peoples. LGBT peoples are not dirty, you're dirty by how the way you think, you feel for them, how you treat them and talk about them. 


Matthew 15:16-20

16 “Don’t you understand yet?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see? Everything that enters the mouth goes into the stomach. Then it goes out of the body. 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart. Those are the things that make someone ‘unclean.’ 19 Evil thoughts come out of a person’s heart. So do murder, adultery, and other sexual sins. And so do stealing, false witness, and telling lies about others. 20 Those are the things that make you ‘unclean.’ But eating without washing your hands does not make you ‘unclean.’ ”


How about you, what can you say about this topic? Do you treat LGBT peoples diferent on how you treat your famiky, friends and other people? What's your opinion about this topic/thread? Feel free to comment down below your opinion :)



i mind my own business. i

i mind my own business. i have odd fantasies, desires, thoughts, personality traits etc and im allowed to have them. so is everyone else. if someone is gay and happy, im genuinely happy for them. criminals should not be treated like the pest. they are humans beings just like gay people are. everyones got their history and emotional baggage. some people have lived difficult lives. you probably dont know what its like to be poor and not have money for food. in such a situation you would rob and kill too. dont judge anyone. you dont know them


Hey thank you for posting this thread!

I'm actually waiting for someone to post these kinds of topics, I just want to see what people, esp. from UN what they can say about the LGBTQ community. As a part of the lgbtq community, i can just say we are just like any other non-lgbtq folks. We feel the same emotions, we do normal things as them, we are capable of respecting other people and of course, we also need the respect from them too BUT we have more views, understanding and appreciation towards different people. Although there are still people who doesn't agree with it, it's nicer to see greater amount of people who are starting to be more open about us and that's what make me happy. 

I hope UN will continue being a respectful community :)

I agree with Fred's opinion on this!!

Criminals may have done bad things, but they are also humans but with emotional problems and mental problems. You may not know what they have been through in the past, they might have had a hard time. Hence, treat everyone the same and don't discriminate anyone. Just mind your own business and go on with life. 


Criminals may have done bad things, but they are also humans just that they might have emotional and mental problems and in some cases, even financial problems.


I agree on the 2 comments from fred and nit, lgbtq are not to be compared with criminals. They are completely different. Everyone has their own reasons, you just have to understand and treat them equally.

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