[DOF] Questions and Surveys: What are you afraid of?

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[DOF] Questions and Surveys: What are you afraid of?



What are you afraid of? 

I'm afraid of Rejection, Rejection makes me feel that I'm nothing, I'm useless. I always think negative than possitive, Negative teaches you a lesson and possitive makes you stronger. Even in finding job, rejecting me makes me feel down.


I'm afraid of peoples who's looking at me, as I said before I always think negative and I always think that that people is thinking negative about me. That makes me lose self confidence, even in school I'm afraid of doing reports infront of class. When my teacher told me to make a report about this topic, I absent.


I'm afraid of Failures, not all peoples are afraid of failures but when I failed to do something I think that I'm useless and saying to myself "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING!?". Failures doesn't motivate me instead it makes me feel I'm not deserving.


I'm afraid to someone who make me angry or ashamed, I always think to revenge in a way that he/she didn't know. Making me angry or ashamed is you just give me a reason to revenge you.


How about you, what are you afraid of and why? feel free to comment below your opinion about this thread and topic.

I am also afraid of rejection

I am also afraid of rejection, but I am much more afraid of not being able to meet other people's expectation. Thus, whenever I work on something, I always tend to spend unreasonable length of time to check its quality and to make it near perfect. This results to poor time management and even anxiety. Anyway, I hope we can somehow overcome these fears! x

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