[DOF] Questions and Surveys: What can you say to Habbo Game

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[DOF] Questions and Surveys: What can you say to Habbo Game



What can you say about the habbo game? What are your possitive and negative thoughts about the game?


I can say that the game is good and helpful for peoples to have friends and find some happiness in game. I'm a emotional person, always lonely even I have friends. I'm always at my room just playing games or read bible sometimes, I only go out of my room if my mom told me to buy pet food, go to water station to ask them to deliver gallons of water because we have small store and we sell mineral water in gallons, or go to our store if my mom is busy. 


I found happiness in this game, friends and many more. I'm a kind of person who's afraid to socialize because I always think negative about myself, even my friends told me to just fuck what peoples think about me but it's not that easy because when I was on grade school I always get bullied from school and I think I got a trauma. So until now I'm afraid to socialize and speak, even playing Dota with my friends I'm quite and just smiling if its funny but I'm totally a sad, lonely and quiet person. Now I just realize if I should be pride of what I get from Grade School and High School because I got Most Behave on both grade school and highschool. My mom, brother and sister was laughing of what I got, I'm abit ashamed.


Habbo really helps me to become happy, even its just for teenagers and I'm not a teen anymore, "IS THERE AGE LIMIT FOR HAPPINESS?". Sometimes I'm more happier in Virtual Life than in real, that's what other peoples can't understand to gamers. 


My Possitive thought to Habbo Game was, it helps people to have self confidence and socialize to other peoples and friends especially to peoples who suffering social anxiety disorder whos afraid to talk.


My Negative thought is some people got bullied and it makes peoples who suffer Social Anxiety Disorder suffer more and give them trauma. If the people whos bullied was not matured enough to understand maybe will have Social Anxiety Disorder.


How about you, what can you say to Habbo Game? What are your negative and possitive thoughts to Habbo Game? Comment down below your opinion about this thread or topic :)

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