[DOF] Questions and Surveys: What Role do you play in games like Dota, Lol, ML and etc.?

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[DOF] Questions and Surveys: What Role do you play in games like Dota, Lol, ML and etc.?



I made a Questions and Surveys topic before about what games do you play other than habbo, now what role do you play on games like Dota, League Of Legends, Mobile Legends and other similar games. Do you go Mid Carry/Core, Solo Offlane, Jungle/Jungler or Support? Why you chose that role?


I always pick supports in Dota and Mobile Legends, I like healing supports or Disabler Support so I can help during clash. I also pick Solo Offlane if they need initiator and they already picked support.


For me Support is the hardest role, you need to make sure your teammate won't die especially the carry so you should buy observer wards for visions and map awareness. Share some items like Tanggo, Clarity, Healing Salve and Mango to your team so they can save money instead of buying items. Roaming to help other teammates kill enemy hero to gain exp and gold which is the advantage if you got more Level and Gold to your enemy you can buy more items and more advanced skills.


I chose support role because I like supporting and it's a big challenge for me and to my enemy support. Sometimes other team's support is better than me so I need to beat him/her in supporting, it's all about advantage and disadvantages. Example they ward the whole map and they see us where we go so it's their advantage and our disadvantage because they can gank us without knowing.


How about you, what role do you play and why? Comment down below your opinion aboutghis thread/topic :)

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