For my starters as a Department of Forums trial member, I’ve asked some of our members ranging from High Management to the other higher ranks on their thoughts on our different Departments. The Departments focuses on different missions for a better service to UN and I would like to give the Special Units, its members, and the whole community an idea about the feedbacks of our community.
The main questions I’ve based my survey on is the following (but I’ve added some follow-up questions for others):
1. Are you part of any Department(s) as of the moment? If yes, which department? If no, what would the reason be?
2. Personally, do you think that we need to add more Departments? Why or why not?
3. What could you suggest to the current different Departments?
The first one I’ve interviewed was Yeni (PinkLady17), an HM member, and I’ve come to know that she wasn’t part of any Departments because of the reason that she didn’t know how to join one and who to talk to. She wanted more exposure for all the Departments because as she said, she didn’t know how to join, and would gladly like to join DOE (which I referred her to after the interview).
Next is OfficialTractic, a DOR and DOS member himself, said that he just recently joined those Departments and he just started this month. Currently, he said that the Departments are based on UN’s need however, he said “[At the moment] UN doesn’t need any new Departments because the current Departments are already helpful for UN”. For the same reasons, he said that he didn’t have anything to suggest.
Kevols, however, said that he doesn’t belong to any Departments because he considers himself as a “normal employee”. He said that UN doesn’t need any addition to the Special Units but when a member can’t find a Department that they belong to, then that maybe a wake up call to add more. One thing he suggested which is targeted to the Departments of Events is: “Maybe a bit more active [in hosting], I see events every now and then but not as often as I used to.”
How about you? What can you suggest to our different Departments? Or maybe join one today? Ask one of the Department’s admins for your target Department’s information. As a member of a Special Unit, I would like to know your thoughts. Feel free to comment down below!