[DOF] Questions & Surveys: Population

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[DOF] Questions & Surveys: Population



Another survey coming through! For today, it’s all about Population! A very crucial factor of a community- maybe it be virtual or even real. Well, first things firsts, the different members’ time zones and places has a great impact to keep the community alive and kicking. Throughout the holidays and a bit after holidays, I’ve conducted a survey which is answered by our members themselves and I’ve conducted this to help our Foundation Team, different Special Units such as: DOC, DOE & DOS, and the whole UN community to know the feedback of our members.


Without further ado, here are the question which you can answer yourselves in the comments below:

1. How long have you been in UN? What can you say about the population, has it increased or decreased during your stay?

2. In your own opinion, do you think the AFK thrones are abused or is it very beneficial [to our population]?

3. What could you suggest for the base population to go up?


For our first interviewee, it is Dayana (Lemons,-), a UN member for about 6 months and she said that the population increased quite a lot. For the second question, she said that it is not abused nor beneficial but she finds it unfair that those who stay at AFK still earns the same with those who are active in work stations. Her only request is to recruit more NA/EU host because games hosted most likely happens at night in OC time. She specifically said, “It’ll will be good if events happen at different time zones, too, since we are all from different countries. To keep the base population consistent and going, we have to accommodate all the different time zones.”


Next in line, we have peachley and Lozza! I’ve joined their responses because truly, great minds think alike! Their answers don’t differ from each other. Both members have been around for quite a while and during their stay, they noticed that the population has increased. Peachley however, said “It is seasonal. When it is holiday season, a lot of people are online due to less work but It has increased in my stay in UN.” Second, they said that the AFK thrones are truly beneficial for those who can’t be continuously active because of work or school. Lozza added that it is a smart way to earn without tiring yourself *inserts wink face*. All the ladies share the same suggestion which focuses on the hosting of events.


Well there is it! Another survey done! I would like to know your thoughts on how to expand and keep our community active, comment it down below. See you in the next one!






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