[DOF] Relationship Advice with Maddie

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[DOF] Relationship Advice with Maddie

Hey guys, as I’m studying Psychology in University, and I know a lot about relationships from the classes I’ve taken and the experies I’ve had these last 2 years+, I’d like to open it up to some conversation about relationships, whether it is a family relationship or a romantic one. I’ll try to answer to the best of my abilities!

I will most definitely get back to you but as I have work today in rl for 8 hours I may not get back to you in that time period. But I will definitely respond :)



share your experiences with us! :D

share your experiences with us! :D 


I think it's more of knowing that you have people you can talk to whenever you have something bothering you.

So yea, everyone is free to come up and talk about it.

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