[DOF] Thanksgiving Favorites

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[DOF] Thanksgiving Favorites


Hello lil Beanies


If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I absolutely love food. I will eat.. ALL day. SO.. since Thanksgiving* is quickly approaching (November 22nd), I thought I might talk about some of the Thanksgiving food traditions that I hold close to my heart, haha.


*For those who don’t know, Thanksgiving is a really popular holiday in America where we eat food and spend time with family to show our gratitude (to what? I don’t think anyone knows)


SO without further ado, let’s get into this >:D



1. Eating a Whole frickin Turkey (sorry buddy..)

Image result for turkey clipart

They’re cute but tasty, okay? Vegans and Vegetarians, leave me alone pls <3


2. Getting Sick off My Mom’s Homemade Fudge

Image result for fudge

My mom is a bomb cook and she makes the BEST fudge. The recipe is a secret ;) but I could literally eat pounds of it. Ugh suffocate me, fudge.


3. Chugging liquids after consuming Jiffy Box Mix Cornbread (HELL YEAH)

Image result for jiffy cornbread

There’s no way that there’s anything healthy or real in this mix but I want to be buried in 20lbs of it. That’s all.


4. Feeling fancy while drinking Welch’s Sparkling Red Grape Juice

Image result for sparkling grape juice

Ahh, yes.. the illegal man’s wine. I’ll enjoy this shiz until I die, even when I AM able to drink real wine. Because THIS. This is it.


and lastly,


5. Shamelessly enjoying These SCRUMPTIOUS Cookies my White Aunt makes

Image result for cookie with chocolate kiss

They’re just all around beautiful. Their crevasses and all. Please.. let me eat the whole tray..


But honestly, I’m not too picky so I end up eating tons of food on Thanksgiving.. I’m not sure if it’s a problem or not.. yikes. Let’s hope that this Thanksgiving, I don’t gain more than 10lbs! (4.5kg) lmAO


If you have any other Thanksgiving traditions OR if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, any holiday food favorites (Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or even just winter themed!) feel free to comment them below! I’d love to hear about it :)  

Also, I do take topic suggestions so if you have anything you want me to talk about or feature, feel free to PM me on Habbo!


(apologies for the change in subject, I'm aware that there are a lot of self care posts this week and this isn't very fitting with the theme but I thought a lighter topic would be good since this is only my 2nd post. hope you all understand! <3)

Today’s topic was inspired by: TheChefPenguin

In U.K. there are no

In U.K. there are no thanksgiving like in America which is sad but love turkey.. although sometimes I would just lean into roast chicken as turkey can sometimes be a bit too dry. I love roast dinner though, every Sunday (at least try to whenever it's available) ;-;

Love some cookies though, those are my guilty pleasure. A nice warm cookie dough with some ice cream is definitely unff- which i doubt is even a thanksgiving food or anything but <3 


We don't celebrate Thanksgiving nor Halloween... so, Christmas is a feast! Roasted pork (lechon) and glazed ham (hamonado) is what we usually serve. AND, we do family reunions! (PLUS BARBECUE AND MAYBE SOME COLA)

Christmas is coming so soon and I'm really excited for the new posts that you're going to feature~

More posts to come!

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