[DOF] What is bullying and how can we can deal with it?

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[DOF] What is bullying and how can we can deal with it?

Hello everyone, welcome to my 1st thread and today, I will be discussing a topic which is serious and that most of us should have experienced in our lives! The topic today we will be discussing is bullying. Have you ever been through a fight and see the person say awful things to you? I've been there and it isn't pretty. Let's go over the basics of this topic to get a good idea of what it is.


Bullying is a repeated behavior with force, abuse, and it is an individual course. The case depends on the situation and the person. The behavior can be repeated over a long period of time like for example, a week or a month+. There are 3 characteristics to look out for if you see someone being bullied. Note: If you see someone being bullied, always tell a trusted adult or a guardian there.

1) Intentional

2) Repeated

3) Power Inbalance 


These characteristics depend on the situation. Always be aware if your surroundings and make sure to look out for these characteristics. Intentional means "the behavior was aggressive and a deliberate attempt to hurt another person". Repeated means "These aggressive actions occur repeatedly over time to the same person or group of people". Finally, a Power Inbalance means "The person bullying has more physical or social power than the person or child being bullied".


Bullying can place anywhere! Bullying can be on the internet, and in real life. Physical bullying means that you are doing harm to the person you are near which includes punching, pushing etc. Verbal bullying can take place anywhere including physical bullying. Verbal bullying means you say very rude things coming from your mouth. This includes name calling, yelling, and being offending towards your peers. Relational bullying is basically Rumor spreading or talking behind someone's back! Cyber bullying which is common is basically harassing someone on a digital device.


Long term bullying causes side effects on the victim including thoughts of suicide, depression, anxiety, not wanting to be around people etc. If you ever feel like commiting suicide, you are not alone, call this number 1-800-273-8255 (The National Suicide Hotline) to seek help or text 741741. Students who bully tend to do drugs including Tobacco, or Alcohol, They don't do well in academics or attendance, or more likely will be in prison in the future.


Here are some ways to deal with bullying: 

1) Tell a trusted adult if the situation is worse.

2) Stand up for yourself

3) Stay away from the bully.


You are not alone, if you need help, you can tell any of us!


AubreyBear <3



Good job! As your first forum post, you chose a rather delicate topic; some people choose to hide these things from the public eye and would rather much keep it to themselves until they crack. Your take on this issue is marvellous! Keep it going!

Thank you so much @AsianJesus

Thank you so much @AsianJesus. I did feel the need to mention it. As myself who goes through it a lot and knows how it is, I felt it was right and tried to be helpful! Thanks for your response. :)

I love this post,

I love this post, unfortunatly habbo comes with it's fair share of bullies and it can get tiring dealing with these same people on a daily basis. All your advise in here is great thanks so much for taking the time to post this!

Thank you soooo much!

Thank you soooo much!

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