[DOF] Why You Should Stay Determined

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[DOF] Why You Should Stay Determined

Image result for determination undertale

According to the online dictionary, the meaning of determination is 'the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult' (Cambridge dictionary) Although we set ourselves goals you WILL be faced with many obstacles ranging from personal thoughts throwing you off to people doubting you. This can be in the form of 'are you going to learn to drive? Will you ever get that job you always wanted with the lack of experience? Will you find someone who will love you as the last person did? Of course, we are going to have all that self-doubt caused by us or other people, in the end, what matters most is are we determined to get to the end goal? Are we going to put those thoughts to bed and succeed? That is all up to you, you're the only one who can decide to give up or just keep fighting to the end and when you make it to the end, all that determination will be the reason to made it to the end and succeeded and change you as a person in the way you want it to be, so the end message of this, don't give up! As my favourite game says, 'you are filled with determination!' (Undertale)

I think I need determination

I think I need determination right now. Determination to actually do university work, go back to gym etc >.<; Although I would use the cold weather as an excuse for the gym part because it is far too cold- what can I say? I'm full of excuse when it comes to actually doing things ;-; 

Bad, bad Sofia 

determination takes baby

determination takes baby steps, one goal at a time my friend


Well said! It is us who determines how our life goes and where. Good advice, my guy! Keep it up!

Thank you, Russ

Thank you, Russ

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