DOI Survey Results

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DOI Survey Results

Dear the DOI team members, after gathering the information of a recent survey in which I sent to a variety of members from different rank ranges as well as different people so that the Survey could get a insight to what people think about the UN and as well as us the Department of Improvements.


As follows are the questions in which I asked several different UN employees to find out exactly what they think…


(1) What is one thing you enjoy most about the UN?


(2) What’s one worst thing, you dislike about the UN? and how do you think we can solve this issue?


(3) When being trained at the beginning of working for the UN, did anything seem confusing? if so what?


(4) Is there anything trainers should elaborate (discuss/give more info) about in future training lessons?


(5) Is there anything you would like to see brought to the UN?


(6) What are your thoughts/opinions on our reward system?


(7) Do you think the reward system is easy or hard to obtain rank and pay points?


(8) Do you have and suggestions or input for the DOI team? or the UN as a whole?


(9) To you, what makes the UN stand out from other agencies?


(10) What makes you want to work for the UN?


After reading through and analysing the results I have found that a few of our Employees really enjoy and love working for the UN however they have brought forward a few things to my attention such as;


The rudeness/ pushing in” from a UN employee with 30,750 RP


In this case, the employee is talking about the rudeness of staff and the way users are pushing in to take seats where they will receive the arrow.


Another users answer also relates to this one, “Arrow Hunting, owners are usually available but not always.” I find that an idea that would be useful is having team members who are GOV + request for a deduction in rank points for a user if they found “arrow hunting / stealing reward”.


There was also several other incidents that were brought up during this survey, such as when in training trainers should elaborate more on the point system as users aren’t fully understanding and that sometimes users get confused about the point system and sit on a chair when the score board is full because this isn’t explained thoroughly enough.






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