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Hello everyone, I am NoobyIsBack-, or they call me Nooby, or Ian, and I am excited to share with all of you here in UN a very special and exclusive interview with Asya-Co, or Trish, our newly appointed Owner on 3rd May 2019.



Ian: Hello Trish. I am Ian from the Department of Suggestions (DOS). As you would have already know, DOS serves to understand the UN community better and learn about their thoughts and feedback on UN, and consider how we can work towards improving UN. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on your most recent promotion to the rank of Owner for UN. We are happy and excited for you, and are upbeat for the future of UN under your tutelage. Perhaps for a start, could you share with us how you feel right now, being appointed as Owner?

Trish: Thank you! Well, I am excited, but nervous and I am still learning to be better.

Ian: Yes definitely! Much more responsibilities and much more to learn as well. Could you share with us some of the reasons you decided to take up this Ownership position?

Trish: I have decided to take this new position because I would like to try new things. Being one of the owner definitely gives me an awareness that I need to be more active than I was in the past.

Ian: That is true! We are looking forward to seeing more of you in UN. Could you share with us some of your thoughts and impression of the Ownership team previously, for example how the Owners were like and what their roles were?

Trish: My very first impression of Owners was that there were really friendly and approachable. Back then, I thought that the Ownership did not have ranks within them like what the other other ranks had. However, in actual fact, Owners do have ranks as well such as Ownership level A, B, C, Co-Main Owner, Main Owner and finally, Founder.

Ian: Wow I know right! I will be frank and say that I didn't know about the ranks within Owners too! And how attaining Ownership Points (OP) is really important as well to secure your appointments. Do you have any words of advice for anyone in UN who is keen on climbing through the ranks and attaining higher responsibilities in UN in the future?

Trish: Yes, Ownership Points (OP) are really important for owners, and it determines your position in the Ownership rank. Yes I do have some words of advice! My advice is for anyone who is interested in the high rank to have some faith in yourself and never give up in achieving that goal! It is hard and the road is definitely not easy, but I believe you will reach your goal with determination.

Ian: Thank you so much Trish, those are really wise words that I believe our members can be inspired with! One last (and informal) question would be, if you could become an animal, what would it be and why? :)

Trish: That is a really random question haha.  I would choose a cat, because it is cute of course!



I would like to thank Trish for taking the time out for the interview. So what do you guys think? If you have any comments or have any questions you would like to ask Trish to know her better, feel free to leave them down in the Comments section down below!


We totally didn't

We totally didn't see this coming but we appreciate it so much! This could give the rest of the community some insight regarding Ownership. We are very excited to include this in our monthly newsletter or a separate article released alongside it

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